Identity Theft Protection - How To Notice The Warning Signs

Author: Saumya Khanduja on Feb 15,2022

Crimes like identity theft occur when someone’s personal or professional information/data is obtained unlawfully, without their permission. Identity theft protection services and software are the only ultimate solution against them! 


What identity thieves can do is use your personal information to do multiple things like apply for a credit card in your name, take a loan in your name, raid your bank account and empty every single thing, take health services or insurance claims in your name. They can even use your credit card and file fraudulent tax returns on your behalf. 


Worse - They can quickly sell all of your information to someone else! 


So, the ultimate step when it comes to protecting yourself is to learn how identity theft can occur and how identity theft protection happens. Taking steps can help limit your overall exposure to identity theft. There is, of course, no single way to prevent everything entirely. Still, you can make it extremely hard for criminals to gain access to your accounts, data, and information.


What are the warning signs of identity theft?


Do you know that identity theft can be noticed only if we are a little careful! Identity thieves can not just draw your bank accounts or rack up your credit card charges; they can get medical treatments in your name. They can use a victim’s health insurance to get benefits. They can even steal your tax refund if you or someone you know is eligible. 


And of course, we have already told you the worst - They can easily sell your information and personal data for a small amount of money to criminals! Fortunately, there are a few warning signs of identity theft. You only have to notice them! Noticing these signs in the right place, right time can help you protect yourself as well as your loved ones! 


Identity Theft Protection - Warning Signs

1. Noticing any unfamiliar bank withdrawals or credit card/debit card charges 

2. Not getting the bills you expect in regular mail 

3. Finding any unknown or “fishy” accounts on your credit reports 

4. Getting any unrecognized medical bills

5. Getting your claims rejected because the benefits reach their limit on any unfamiliar services 

6. Getting a health plan rejected because of inaccurate records and data 

7. Filing unexpected IRS notices for online account creation, access, or disabled

8. Discovering your IRS records with income from an unfamiliar employer

9. Getting notified about a data breach 

10. Getting a suspicious call from debt collectors 


Children Can Be A Victim Too

Parents might not realize it, but children can also be victims of identity theft. Identity thieves can use a child’s Social Security Number to get a new line of credit, apply for benefits from the Government and other agencies, rent a living space, and so much more! 


This theft might not even be discovered for multiple years until the child grows up and becomes an adult. It often comes to light when they are trying to access credit for the first time in their lives. 


Warning signs your child is a victim 

You child will require supervision and identity theft protection if:

1. Getting a credit card or loan offer in your child’s name 

2. Getting an IRS notice in your child’s name for any outstanding tax dues

3. Getting debt collection services’ calls stating your child’s name 

4. Getting any bill for a product or service in the name of your child, something that you or your child’s guardian did not purchase 

5. Getting any benefits from the Government declined under the Social Security Number of your child.


Identity Theft Protection - What to do if you are a victim? 


As soon as you notice something suspicious, you should jump to take action! Addressing it at the earliest signs of seeing is extremely important in such cases! Once identity thieves know they can easily get away with what they have done, they start to increase their fraudulent activities. This makes it difficult for authorities to recover such criminals. 


Here are some steps that one should take immediately to invest in the right identity theft protection services as soon as you think you are a victim.


1. Start reviewing your credit reports, regardless of the kind of fraud that occurs. Take some extra time to review all your credit reports and ensure everything is accurate! If you are able to find something on your credit report that is unfamiliar to you, start addressing it immediately. 

2. File identity reports as and when required. If you think you have the confirmation for your identity to be stolen, take steps to correct it and report it to authorities. You should be reporting to the Federal Trade Commission and the police authorities. You can also reach out to your creditors and explain the situation to find a solution. 

3. Place fraudulent activity alerts or security freeze immediately. Both steps can prevent future fraudulent activities from occurring. Fraud alerts can notify prospective credits about the fact that you may have been a victim of fraud. They always encourage people to come and talk to them in cases of emergency, at a number you will provide them with to verify your identity. A security freeze will stop others from viewing your credit reports to start with! This prevents others from opening credit accounts in your name. Another option is to lock your credit files fully with appropriate identity theft protection services. 

4. Start to dispute any inaccurate information you come across about you in your credit reports. If you think there is fraudulent data on your credit report(s), ensure you are filing for a dispute with the necessary authorities and the Credit Bureau. Disputes can take approximately 30 days to be resolved. The fraudulent information shall be removed when the Credit Bureau confirms your claim. 


Protect your loved ones from identity theft


There are multiple steps that one can take to protect themselves as well as their loved ones from identity theft and fraud! Get access to the best identity theft protection services in 2022. Home of Expert Advice helps you learn about different kinds of identity thefts and ways to safeguard your happiness!