Our Mission

Our Mission

The FBI says that property crime happens in the country every 5 seconds. This statistic is indeed shocking and not easy to comprehend. It is also impersonal till it happens to you. Crime is indeed very personal when you experience it first-hand. When you are a victim, no crime statistics can help you. But they make you ponder about what you could have done to prevent this from happening.

We Do the Work For You

This website aims to break down all the national statistics to provide actionable insights into any threats in the neighborhood and the guidelines to protect your family and yourself. To do this, we have gathered and organized the data from local and federal governments to develop one of the most extensive crime databases in the country. This permits us to provide you with personal and local statistics to make informed decisions. Our website does the research to provide in-depth and fair reviews of the best security organizations. We give an accurate assessment of all the organizations to assist you in making the correct choice to protect your family and yourself. We provide an action plan for protection by combining genuine reviews and local crime statistics.

Comprehensive Reviews of Security Providers

We are 100% committed to transparency in all we do. With this in mind, our readers will find open disclaimers and earnings disclosures on our site.
Your Voice Matters
Our website is also a place where you can voice your thoughts about your home security organization. We do not cherry-pick any testimonials. This is a space where buyers can voice out what they really think. After all, they are a part of the community, and their voice matters. Our user platform is always open to questions, suggestions, and tips. You are also free to share any recommendations that you might have. We always like hearing from you. Ask away if there are any questions. One of the staff members, or probably even the readers, will assist you in finding the answers that you want. Our users can contact us readily. We hope you will continue to like our resources, such as data analysis, guides, research, and other studies published on the website. It is our duty to give readers precise and accurate information every single time.
Our Story
We are a group of home security experts, writers, researchers, and product testers. Our site has been dedicated to developing authoritative reviews of home security systems and firms. At first, we thought that reviews were enough, but we found that buyers required and wanted more with time. As tech expands, the home security system industry has grown into a market of integrated smart devices, home products, and services. We found out that we needed to test the technology to provide the best picture. So, we started tailoring our content exactly according to those requirements.
Why You Can Rely On Us
We are proud of our rigorous work ethic and high standards. The recommendations are completely up to the discretion of all the editors who have total autonomy over the opinions and articles. We hope to provide you with the info required to secure your home, get peace of mind, and protect your loved ones. Everyone deserves to rest easy at night, and we shall help you with that. We have a group of safety experts that we consult regularly. The team has many years of collective experience. It is the most talented group of safety experts. This ensures that our readers trust the guides, recommendations, and research we develop and publish.