Take the Home Security Quiz to Know More About Your Home's Security

This simple quiz will help you find out a lot about the status of the security of your home and what you should do to improve it.

Outside Home

1. Do you have clear views of all doors and windows?
2. Is there visible exterior or interior lights that make it look like you are home, even if it is empty?


3. Is there a simple method of finding out who is at the door without trying to open it?
4. Do all exterior doors have at least a one-inch long deadbolt with a portion extending into the door frame? Are the screws situated on the door opposite the lock at least 2.5 inches in length?
5. If your home has a sliding door, do you also have a security bar in the bottom track to not let the door open?


Garage Doors

7. Do you close and lock the garage door?


8. Do you have any valuables in the basement or a safety deposit box?


9. Do you know your neighbors across the road and on all sides of you?

When Away

10. Do you leave the lights on timers, both outside and inside the house?
11. Do you have a trusted friend or neighbor to pick up your flyers, newspapers, and mail?
12. Have you made any arrangements to have the snow shoveled and the lawn cut?
13. Do you leave a message on the answering machine that gives the impression that you are not home?