Alarm System 101: Time To Bring Smart Security Into Your Home

Author: Megha Agarwal on Feb 18,2022

Having a home surveillance system installed as a security precaution can be a costly undertaking but not having one can cost you much more. In the past few years, burglaries have been on the rise, having major financial and emotional implications. Thus, having an alarm system installed in your home has become essential. High-quality mechanical protection is the first step towards holistic security for a property. It prioritizes not only home security but also the family and valuable belongings. Irrespective of the importance, many people ignore, neglect, or underestimate the need to implement suitable home security measures. An act of theft might cost a lot of money and emotional distress; hence, installing such a system will be a great decision. 


Scroll down and learn more about the alarm system and get one installed today.


What is an alarm system?


An alarm system, also known as a burglar alarm system, is a control panel for setting up security. They are entryway sensors with built-in sirens that sound when someone tries to break in. These sirens are pretty loud and produce a sound all over the place that can easily scare away intruders. The system is mostly used in residential, commercial, industrial, and military properties with an aim to safeguard their property from burglary and other damage along with protecting oneself from intruders.  


Components of an alarm system


To uplift the user experience, most home security companies offer their customers various package options containing different components. While the basic system has one sensor and alert device for detecting the trespasser and informing about the intrusion, the advanced system has different components. These components include:


- Control Panel: Often known as a “hub,” a control panel is the system’s brain. It receives sensor inputs, records arm/disarm state, and detects intruders. This is the component that establishes communication between the alarm and monitoring centers. 

- Sensors: A sensor is a device that helps in detecting intruders. These sensors are placed on the protected area's perimeter for better monitoring. There are different types of sensors that come with the system. The common ones are door/window sensors, monitor sensors, and glass-break sensors. 

- Alerting devices: This is one of the most essential components of the system as it signifies the presence of an alert sound. Such devices mainly include sirens, bells, flashing lights, etc., along with a warning about the intrusion and scaring off burglars. 

- Home Security Cameras: An alarm system with the camera is an incredible combination that is beneficial in many ways. Apart from performing the function of an alert alarm, it captures the motion and offers the user a live recording. 

- Keypads: Keypads are tiny devices that are wall-mounted and usually feature buttons, lights, and a multi-character display. To make the entire system less bulky, the new models have in-built keypads.


Importance Of Alarm System With Cameras 



Protects Assets and Investments

Spending some money on a sophisticated security system will help protect your belongings and valuables. It is the first line of defense that deter the burglars and inform the authorities about any crime.


Provides Peace Of Mind

Peace of mind is one of the greatest benefits of an alarm security system. It relieves concern and tension to know that you, your family, and your house are protected. Knowing that your home and belongings are secure thanks to an alarm system is a huge relief. 


Deter Criminal Activities

To put it simply, having a security system installed has proved to deter perpetrators from doing criminal acts. It provides a safer space by increasing the chances of thieves being caught in unlawful activity. Beyond this, an alarm system with cameras decreases crimes even further. 


Allows Remote Access To House

The importance of alarm security systems is not just limited to offering protection; it also provides homeowners the ability to keep a check on their house and see what’s going on via smart devices. It facilitates the arming and disarming of the system and other management remotely. 


Aid The Police

The home security system is also helpful for the police in case of burglary or theft. When such an event occurs, these alarm systems with cameras capture the entire incident, which can be used to catch the culprit. 


How Alarm System with Cameras Work


When learning about the alarm system, it is equally important to understand how it actually works. Knowing what action is likely to happen, what triggers the system, and how it works will add to your knowledge. The system works in three ways –


Detect: The new models have built-in keypads as the alarm system begins with detecting the motion. The activity is recognized with the help of a sensor. There are various types of sensors that are being placed throughout the premises so that all the motions can be detected and the right action can be taken on time. 


Determine: Once the motion is sensed, it is transferred to the brain of the system, i.e., the control panel. All the information from detectors and sensors is being sent here to trigger the alarm countdown. 


Deter: Finally, the system responds to the triggered alarm and activates the actual alarm, i.e., siren and/or strobe lights. If the abort code is not entered, the alarm will keep sounding to frighten the intruder and warn the homeowner about the activity. 


Final Words:

No one wants to put their property in jeopardy and their family in danger. Hence, they install the alarm system and add a layer of security to their place. It is no less than professional help that safeguards the assets, investments, and human beings from thieves. An alarm system with cameras is one of the most effective and the best ways to provide home protection. Even if it is a costly deal, it is a good investment worth the expense.