Best Places To Install Outdoor Home Security Camera

Author: Megha Agarwal on Feb 18,2022

No matter where you live, your property's layout, or your budget, everyone deserves to be protected. And an outdoor home security camera is an excellent tool for gaining a sense of security. It provides extra eyes on the property and helps in preventing house break-ins. It adds layers of security for keeping your family and property secure from vandals and robbers. Although it is crucial to install, its effectiveness is influenced by the place you install it. The location of security cameras is critical in providing effective surveillance and optimal protection to all loved ones as well as the valuables. This is why our experts weigh in on the importance of choosing the right location for installing the camera. 


After all the research that you have done for purchasing the best outdoor home security camera, it’s actually time to install it in your home. If you’re a bit overwhelmed about the placement of the camera, we’ve got you covered. Here we are going to share with you our knowledge. Read this article to know where you should mount your camera for maximum coverage and outstanding protection. 


Best Places To Install Your Outdoor House Camera



Once you have decided to install an outdoor home security camera, the first question that pops into your mind would be about the placement of the camera. Well, the position of the camera plays a crucial role in deciding how secure your home is. However, there is no one-size-fits-all rule for the placement because of the difference in layout, budget, and home security priorities. But here we are with some places that are an absolute must for installing the camera. 


1. Front Door


While most people think that attackers only enter through side doors, various studies have shown that 34% of burglars enter through the front door. It is also a place where package thieves are more prone to attack. This makes the front door the ideal place to install a camera. With the camera at your entrance, you can monitor everyone who enters and exits your house, right from your family members to babysitters to workers, delivery persons, and others. Furthermore, it is the simplest way of keeping an eye on someone who attempts to break into your home. 


2. Ground-floor windows


Without a doubt, burglars can find easy ways to enter the house. While we think of complex theft patterns, we should not ignore the most common ones. One such way is through windows. This is why it is essential to have outdoor house cameras on the windows of the ground floor. Instead of installing multiple cameras, you can also install one covering all the windows. 


3. Yard


If you have a front or a backyard, it becomes equally crucial to safeguard it with the camera to check on all the activities. It helps maintain a tab on anyone who is snooping at your property or trying to invade your privacy. There are many hiding places in the yard for thieves, especially if you have overgrown your landscape; adding a security shield with a camera becomes crucial. Other than this, having a camera in the yard will be useful in recording the actions of children, animals, and trespassers.


4. Back & Side Doors


Most vandals and burglars look for out-of-sight doors to enter a house unnoticed. As per various studies, it is reported that approximately 22% of thefts or break-ins occur through the rear entrance. In order to have complete visibility of everyone who enters and departs the place, it becomes necessary to add outdoor home security cameras on the secondary door too. Any entry other than the main entrance often used should be protected with cameras.


5. Garage & Driveway


Garages and driveways are one of the weakest entry points, and hence, they are mostly used by thieves to sneak through to enter your home. So, make sure you get a camera installed pointing at your garage and/or driveway. This will not just help you keep a watchful eye on intruders but also on your vehicles and other equipment. With this, you can easily secure your valuables, monitor them, and ensure that no one tries to steal them or cause damage.  


Places Where You Should Not Place An Outdoor Home Security Camera 


While outdoor security cameras are valuable for monitoring the house, there are several locations where you should not place them. This is required both for legal and privacy purposes. You must keep in mind others' privacy while installing the camera. While you install the camera, make sure it won’t monitor the houses outside your property. You should be mindful of the privacy of others. For this, ensure that you won’t record anything without the knowledge and consent of others. 


Things To Consider Before Mounting An Outdoor Home Security Camera


Now that you are aware of where to install your camera, it is vital to shed light on other factors that you must consider for a successful installation of a home security camera. When you are spending a lot of time and energy on setup, it is important to make it perfect. Consider these factors to do it right. 


- Places with the highest risks of thefts

- Wi-Fi connection strength

- Weather conditions

- Lighting

- Privacy implications

- Total numbers of cameras 

- Priority of safeguarding your property 


Summary – Where To Install Outdoor Home Security Camera


After testing so many cameras over the years and studying about them, our team of experts has selected these areas to place your outdoor home security camera. These are the places that are most likely to be attacked and require surveillance for beefing up the home protection. Remember, if you pick the wrong location, your outdoor house camera will be pointless. 


General FAQs


Can an outdoor house camera be placed indoors?

While you can install outdoor home security cameras indoors, too, they are usually not advised because they are too bulky. Outdoor cameras are more durable and bulky, making them unsuitable for indoor placing. 


Is it important to hide an outdoor home security camera?

Often, the installation of home security cameras outside the house scares away less-motivated intruders. This is why you are not required to cover or hide the camera. However, you should also not install it in the open as this might let the intruder cover their faces and tracks. All you need is to choose the right location for your camera.