7 Ways To Recover After A Home Burglary

Author: Megha Agarwal on Mar 24,2022

Home burglary is the illegal act of entering a building or any other area with an intention to rob, murder or commit other criminal offenses. Such activities have become quite prominent in the United States. Various studies have shown that over 1 million burglaries occur in the country every year. This terrifying statistic is a cause of concern as it comes with repercussions that are difficult to handle by someone. 


While we think of break-ins or burglaries as broken doors or windows, lost valuables, upturned items, etc., in reality, they are much more than that. Along with the materialistic loss, such activities come with mental and emotional distress, making different people react differently. Some people feel anxious and violated, while others feel depressed or angry, and some might even feel trauma. No matter what emotion they feel, they have to deal with a lot. This makes it evident that recovering from burglary is not just about replacing the lost items and getting the damages fixed but also about dealing with emotional distress.  


Coping with such a situation takes time and requires a person to be kind to themselves and embrace the emotions. While you need to be emotionally strong to cope with the trauma, you need to be practical too. You need to take several actions like getting it reported, asking for the recovery from the insurance company, etc. While the ways of recovery after burglary differ with every individual, we are sharing some common tips that will work for all. Here we will take you through expert advice on how to recover from burglaries. This guide will come in handy during such situations as it will help you regain peace of mind and make your home more secure than before.


1. Ensure Everyone’s Safety



Burglary is a horrifying event that leaves people frozen in fear. Once they find out about such an act, they feel several emotions. After the invasion occurs, the first step should always be to ensure that everyone is safe. Check up on your spouse, kids, roommates, elders, or anyone present when the intruder entered. Ensure that they are unharmed and, if required, provide them with necessary medical care


2. Take Notes And Pictures 


The next step should always be to check the property and make a list of stolen items and other essential details. While such events might make you feel awful, they also require you to stay focused. Jot down the details like time, date, the estimated value of missing items, etc. Also, look around for signs of entry, footprints, etc., and take pictures of the damaged items. While doing so, make sure you don’t touch any surface or entry points as it might hamper the fingerprints or DNA evidence.


3. Report Your Burglary


This is the most important way of coping with a home burglary. After the event, you must call the police and get their assistance. Getting in touch with them will help you know exactly how the perpetrator entered the place and reduce the risk of such events in the near future. Once they arrive, they will ask you a few questions to better understand the crime. Providing them details or the evidence you have collected will help with the investigation and increase the chances of catching the burglar. 


4. Talk To Your Home Insurance Company



You must reach out to your insurance company and try to recover as much as possible. The majority of insurance companies cover vandalism and theft (to an extent). Informing them about the event and providing them with the evidence and details will help you get the claim that your policy can cover. While this won’t entirely compensate for the lost items, it will help you recover a bit. Remember, “Something is better than nothing.” So, inform the company and get your claim. 


5. Repair The Damage


Once the burglary has occurred, it might leave your home damaged. To enter the property, the intruder would’ve broken the door or windows and ransacked the belongings to find the valuables. This makes it essential to get it repaired as soon as possible. Repairing the items and bringing a sense of normalcy will not just reduce the emotional distress but also improve security. 


6. Invest In A Home Security System


While you can’t undo the burglary that has already occurred, you can prevent such incidents from happening again in the future. As a part of the healing process, you must strengthen the security by installing a home security system. Such a system includes many devices that sense these activities and inform the owner beforehand. They also help scare off the intruder and prevent home burglary. Installing the security system will reduce your stress and make you feel more protected and safe. If you already have such a system, then get it tested and, if required, upgrade it for better protection. 


7. Reach Out And Talk About The Incident


If you are wondering how to recover after a burglary, this tip will come in great help. Burglary is a horrible event that could lead a person into post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and other emotional traumas. For the healing process, you must acknowledge your feelings and get the help of your friends and family to deal with the fear or stress of the loss. Talking about the event and how you feel will help you deal with your thoughts and feel less burdened. It’s rightly said that emotional scars are even worse than financial losses.


Final Thoughts:


If you are a victim of a burglary or theft, coming out of the distress or trauma might feel difficult right now. But, trust us, it is completely possible. All it requires are these tips and some patience. Such incidents have the potential to infiltrate your mind and damage your sense of safety in your own house. However, these tips will help you regain yourself and enhance your home security. So, follow these tips, slowly recover from the incident, and enjoy life once again. Stay safe.