How To Choose The Best Cables For Security Cameras

Author: Jomathews Verosilove on May 25,2022


As humans, we live in a world where it is essential to be vigilant and alert at all times. The days of tracking down a burglar are long gone. It makes sense that the security cameras that line your city are of the best quality and that the people know how to select the right one. It's essential to comprehend the basics behind your security systems and wiring types, since, ultimately, you have so much at hand in terms of your security.

Historically, the security and surveillance sector has been around for centuries; however, before closed-circuit television units, places were guarded manually with only basic weapons. The installation of a CCTV video system kit adds an immense amount of value even when security guards are still present. Installation of a good surveillance system is a critical consideration regardless of whether the premises are an industrial unit, a campus, or a gated community today, and this is true on a global scale. 

You must select the right wiring options for your security camera system in order to function properly. Rather than assuming that users will be aware of how monitoring systems work, it's important for them to understand how different wires and connections work. You can use this article to purchase and set up the best camera wire for your monitoring system.  


Types of cables for security cameras


Siamese Coaxial Cables 

This is a combination of two distinct wires that allow security cameras to transmit video feed and receive power from one connection. The majority of monitoring cameras that operate using a BNC connector often use Siamese cables for analog or digital transmission. At the end of the connection, divide the cables according to their intended use, if you're connecting this type of security camera wire to a surveillance system. One of the wires has two copper lines that provide energy to the CCTV cameras, which can be spotted after unplugging the cables. 

An electrical source with a rating of 12 volts should be wired to both cables. In addition to its big size, coaxial cables are used for connecting analog video cameras to DVR systems, which receive video signals from security cameras. The Siamese coax cable market is divided into two kinds: factory-made and spool siamese coax cables, which come without built-in connectors so users need to add connectors at the end and cut the cables according to their needs.


Ethernet Cables

Ethernet cables are required if you plan to install IP security cameras. Still, if you set up an analog system, you might want to take advantage of these wire types for security cameras. Copper wires insulated with epoxy are twisted around each other in Ethernet cables in order to reduce interference between signals. In addition to connecting devices to the Internet, ethernet cables are also known as network cables. 

An Ethernet connection provides your security cameras with connectivity through which they can be accessed and managed via a network video recorder. It is also possible to power your security cameras via an Ethernet cable. Despite the similar functionality and design, these monitoring camera cable types aren't the same. If you are choosing ethernet cables for your CCTV camera installation, you should take into account factors such as how fast the internet is and what kind of router you have to ensure you choose the right cables.


A comparison of Ethernet cables and Siamese coaxial cables

You may be wondering what type of cable to use now that you know more about Ethernet and Siamese cables. It's necessary to have Ethernet if you want to set up an IP monitoring system. However, what if you are setting up an analog security camera system?

The choice of which method you choose depends on your personal preference. Ethernet cables serve the same function as Siamese cables when connected to video balun. The only difference is that Ethernet cables for security cameras have a higher signal level. Power and video data are transmitted inside the same cable using twisted pairs, whereas both data and power are transmitted through separate insulated cables connected together with the Siamese cable.

Whenever you have to run a lot of cables, Ethernet is more convenient and cheaper. An analog system can be installed with Ethernet. In contrast to Siamese cables, Ethernet cables have the disadvantage of causing video interference. As the Ethernet cable is made up of twisted pairs, it minimizes interference. 


hoe Coaxial Cables  - for security camera


Fiber Optic Cable

Fiber optic cables allow rapid data transmission by using light to transport digital data along flexible fibers. These cable fibers can be as wide as human hair and can be made from glass or plastic fibers. In terms of speed and length, single-mode and multimode transmit data at different speeds and for different amounts of time. There are significant differences between the two types, which determine how they are used.


Single-Mode Fiber

The core of a single-mode fiber consists of a narrow layer of optical glass, surrounded by a cladding that reflects light well. Data is transmitted using a single mode of light typically via laser. As a result, there is less attenuation over longer distances and, therefore, it is excellent for high bandwidth applications.


Multimode Fiber

Several signals can pass simultaneously through a multimode fiber because it has a larger core. In the case of a larger core, the cladding is narrower, which results in greater attenuation of data. In the case of short distances, multimode fiber is more suitable. 


Here are some tips on connecting fiber optic cables to security cameras 

A security camera connected to a copper cable network has its data transmitted from analog to digital, and then back to its original form during display. When transmission optics or converged networks are involved, things are a bit different. Listed below are guidelines on how to connect monitoring cameras to a converged network using fiber optics.

  • Converged networks use light or optical signals which are transmitted over fiber optic cables for security cameras in place of analog signals.
  • For a normal display of video footage or even live broadcasts, you require a device that converts these signals back to analog again. Optical converters convert digital signals back to analog signals.
  • Verify the device's compatibility with the other network devices and the camera. Furthermore, you should choose a converter that has an easy-to-install and easy-to-use design.
  • Fiber optic cables are advantageous in that they eliminate environmental disruptions such as electromagnetic interference. Additionally, they are capable of supporting long distances.
  • Fiber optical cable and plugs are necessary for this, together with a data transceiver.
  • Getting the cable plugged in is as easy as connecting the monitor or PC near the security camera. 
  • A multimode cable with double strands is generally recommended.
  • Inspect the camera and display links to ensure there are no splices.
  • If you need to connect it to any other network devices, just make sure you use the right connector for both ends of the cable.
  • Connect the transmitter to the camera, the receiver to the computer or display, and the cable between them. Keep the transmitters and receivers enclosed and protected. 
  • Any normal Ethernet cable can be used to pair the router and receiver to the camera and the receiver to a screen. The receiver should have power connected and turned on.
  • Now, check if the network is functioning and if the video footage captured by the camera is well-displayed on the screen.

There are many ways to create such connections, but this is a simple one. In addition to more cabling and devices, most networks are now complex, so more devices and cabling may be required.


hoe -  Multimode Fiber cable - for security


With the development of video surveillance systems, they have grown increasingly sophisticated and can be connected into a seamless mesh through an Ethernet cable. New and evolving technology is substituting outdated networks or combining them with fiber optics.  A fiber optic cable can be used for video connectivity to the internet in fiber optic or converged networks. 

You need the right network devices from a manufacturer and supplier who can supply the right network devices for expanding your network and installing cables for security cameras in your office or industrial campus. CCTV cameras require a fiber optic cable, a digital video optical converter, switches, connectors, and so on as well as a fiber media converter.