GSE™ Casino Craps Tabletop Game Set with 36"x72" Craps Layout Felt, 5-Piece 19mm Casino Dice, 3" Craps On/Off Puck($41.99Value)


GSE™ Casino Craps Tabletop Game Set with 36"x72" Craps Layout Felt, 5-Piece 19mm Casino Dice, 3" Craps On/Off Puck($41.99Value)


The GSE complete casino-style craps game set includes a 36"x72" craps layout felt, 5 pieces AAA Grade 19mm precision casino dice, and a 3" craps On/Off puck button.

More Information

Color Green
Size 36.0 In. L X 72.0 In. W X 0.1 In. H
Gtin 00080101026208
Mpn CS-801GEN
Condition New