Lamb Ametek 115766 2-stage 5.7" vacuum motor, 120 volt.
CleanMax Cordless Zoom and Zoom ZM-500 Upright Genuine HEPA Media Bags and Belt Package
Factory Cat Model #50 Ametek Vacuum Motor, 24 volt
Rittenhouse CV130 vacuum motor, 120 volt.
Lamb Ametek 117157 2-stage 7.2" vacuum motor, 240 volt
Lamb Ametek 119432-24 3-stage 5.7" vacuum motor, 36 volt
Lamb Ametek 116304 2-stage 5.7" vacuum motor, 120 volt.
Centra-Clean CP8000 vacuum motor, 120 volt.
Ametek Windjammer PRO Brushless Blower 5.7" High Flow 120-240VAC, #WP057BH2-0N18A-0007
Signature 465 vacuum motor, 120 volt.
Lamb Ametek 116456-50 1-stage 5.7 inch vacuum motor, 240 volt.
Clarke/Alto/American-Lincoln #Encore L20, S20 vacuum motor, 24 volt.
Lamb Ametek 115750 2-stage 5.7" vacuum motor, 120 volt.
Ametek Extra Value Grayco #Saturn 24, 32 (Tangential Discharge) Vacuum Motor, 36 volt
Lamb Ametek 119995-00 1-stage 5.7" vacuum motor, 120 volt.
Lamb Ametek 115744 2-stage 5.7" vacuum motor, 120 volt.
Lamb Ametek 116905-13 2-stage 5.7" vacuum motor, 120 volt
Lamb Ametek 116409-13 2-stage 5.7" vacuum motor, 36 volt
Lamb Ametek 116157-32 2-stage 5.7" vacuum motor, 24 volt
Tennant-Castex/Nobles #260, 320, 320 XP Elite, 260XP Scrubbisher, EXP 320, AD3200 vacuum motor, 36 volt.