Fraudsters are employing a variety of techniques and tricks to hijack your personal information, which is more prevalent than ever before. If you are arrested for a crime, identity thieves can take advantage of your identity and open credit cards in your name. This can lead to grave financial threats to your life when they use your identity.
Protecting your personal information from identity theft is possible with identity theft protection services. In addition to monitoring your credit for suspicious activity, providing real-time alerts, and insurance in case of a data breach, the best identity theft prevention companies will monitor your credit department for suspicious activity.
When it comes to the best ID security services companies, Credit Squad is unique because it offers a personal touch. For identity theft monitoring, Credit Squad offers the following services:
The company uses its proprietary Light Watch scanning technology to track the information you request. Any information you provide Light Watch finds online will be alerted to you in real time. With Credit Squad, you will be covered for losses of up to $1 million if you are a victim of identity theft.
You will find that Credit Squad offers the best customer service for identity theft protection, with 24/7 support and a team of trained credit counselors who can provide personalized financial advice regardless of which plan you choose. Moreover, you will be provided with a caseworker and paralegal who are responsible for helping you recover your identity if it has been compromised in the first place.
The company's standard credit monitoring plan includes only credit monitoring for customers, but the company's other three individual and family plans also include identity theft protection. There are only ID theft services included in the basic family plan. When you already have a credit monitoring service with another company and want ID protection, you may still want to consider this plan.
With the top-tier Elite plan, you get in-depth identity theft protection, monthly credit reports, and tri-bureau credit monitoring. Whether you need credit monitoring or identity protection, Credit Squad is the company to watch over your credit. Having ultrasecure credit will give you peace of mind.
With over a million members, has been the leading credit reporting website since 1996. However, ExtraCredit takes credit monitoring to a whole new level by offering an entire suite of best ID security services. You can work on building, guarding, tracking, and restoring your credit with ExtraCredit for just a monthly fee instead of paying for multiple services.
ExtraCredit is a great deal of service offered by for its price. A total of five categories are available from the company: Build It, Guard It, Track It, Reward It, and Restore It. This review will focus on Guard It's identity monitoring and Track It's credit monitoring services, which include:
You wouldn't have known your credit monitoring company could offer such comprehensive ID protection services. In case your identity is stolen, ExtraCredit offers financial identity theft insurance of up to $1 million.
Extra Credit's additional features will appeal to those who value credit building as much as identity protection. You can bolster your credit report by reporting your rent and utility payments to credit bureaus through Additionally, if your credit has seen better days, the company's U.S.-based credit repair team will assist you. And if all that wasnt enough, the ExtraCredit program can also help you earn up to $300 in cash offers. Getting paid is something everyone loves, right?
The ExtraCredit identity theft protection service does not have multiple tiers, unlike other best ID security services. The entire suite is instead available for $24.99 per month. If you buy Extra Credits five services separately, they could cost approximately $90, so this is a good deal. In addition, you can cancel ExtraCredit at any time if you are not satisfied with it.
With ExtraCredit, you can monitor identity theft and build your credit score all in one place.
In this article, we've reviewed a couple of the best ID security services to prevent identity theft. We cannot infer that comprehensive identity theft monitoring is a bad investment to make, especially since you can use one of the companies we've reviewed. Now is the time to get started. Make sure you arm yourself against fraudsters today by choosing the right identity theft protection service.