How Do They Keep You Safe?

Personal Safety Devices: How Do They Keep You Safe?

  Personal safety and the well-being of our loved ones are of great importance. It is important to ensure that we have a backup plan or someone to contact for help in emergencies. The good news is that advancements in technology have made wearables available to us in many ways. They work to allow us to breathe fresh air, check in with our health, plan our day, and above all, meet our needs for safety in the event of an emergency. Personal safety devices can do many things for us, including sharing one’s location with emergency services, notifying relatives when one is in trouble, and providing you the protection one needs. Your perfect bodyguard Many of the security devices available today in the market often come from security-focused companies tied to wearable devices. Therefore, press the emergency button on the device when a burglar breaks into your home. It will alert the device manufacturer, who will then send the police to your rescue. Accidents can happen at any time, especially while driving. In the event of an accident, one can use your safety device to notify your loved ones quickly. One can also notify your emergency services by tapping the panic button on the device. This will also send the location, allowing emergency services to find one quickly. Wearable security alert devices help many people overcome medical complications such as heart attacks and severe breathing. These devices also help save lives by getting emergency services to their doorstep in the shortest possible time. With the rise of criminal activities everywhere, security devices can alert the police and your loved ones when you are in danger. This device will greatly improve your safety on the roads. In the worst case you are kidnapped, your security device can help the authorities find you easily. If you or a loved one has a medical emergency when no one is home, a wearable security device can make the difference between life and death. Unfortunately, accidents still happen, and if you fall and can't reach your cell phone or landline, wearing a panic generator will make it easy and quick to get help. Alert devices are not only very useful in the event of an emergency but are also very useful for those who are traveling alone. A wearable security device may not prevent an attack, but one can contact friends, family, or the police to let them know you're in a dangerous situation and need help. How to choose your personal safety device? While these are some of the best security features you should look for, some of them may not suit your goals or lifestyle. There are many things to consider when choosing a device, including the safety of your city, the nature of your work, affordability, lifestyle, and the peace of mind you get from wearing security devices. Depending on your lifestyle, you may want something more portable and accessible while running. If you're traveling abroad, you might want to check out which features will work outside the US. In many verticals, one may have to work late or meet clients alone, such as real estate, home health care, and hospitals. This is where something like an alert device may provide the required functionality. Personal safety devices are meant to safeguard individuals from unforeseen circumstances. When using it, one should feel like one has an extra layer of protection wherever one goes and is comfortable using it when necessary. Not only can it help protect one, but it can also help protect the people around.  Is a Personal Alarm the ideal Personal Device? Analyzing the benefits of having an alert alarm, the most important is the ability to get help quickly and efficiently. Thanks to technology and its rapid evolution, alarm systems make finding help easy and seamless. Alarm systems today are very modern and consist of two parts: a base unit and a device button. The base unit is usually plugged into the main power supply and telephone connection point. The user then wears the device. Alarm users often wear their devices like watches or bangles or even clip them to their belts. In an emergency, the user can press the help button on their device or the base unit. By pressing the buttons, an instant alarm call is sent to the response center, and the response team will dial the base unit within seconds to speak to the user. Then help will arrive in a few minutes. The response team then calls the user's emergency contacts, such as family members, friends, or neighbors. Emergency services are called upon if the alarmed individual requires medical intervention. Security alarm devices are very effective, easy to transport, and very cheap. They provide valuable personal security that gives one peace of mind when traveling alone. Students and anyone else who may find themselves walking home alone at night benefit from the personal safety provided by a personal security alarm system. As noted, dog walkers can find themselves a specific target for poachers, so many choose to carry a personal security alarm to prevent any attacks. The elderly, who are often exposed to attacks and robberies at any time, day or night, also benefit from the peace of mind of a convenient and easy triggering personal security alarm system. Women who usually get attacked walking alone, especially during the night, greatly benefit from the peace of mind provided by highly efficient alarm alert systems. Besides easy room for help, another benefit of having an alarm system is that elders can be independent in their own homes. Moving into a retirement home may not be the best option when you have a security alert system. In contrast to people who leave their homes to remain in sheltered housing or a care facility, people using alarms can remain where they feel most comfortable at home. Although most personal alarms offer all-around protection, they are mostly unobtrusive around the house. Alarm users will only need to talk to the service provider during installation, periodic test calls, and emergencies. Acquiring a security alarm means being independent while living at home. Nothing will have to change, and users will be able to continue their normal daily lives with family and friends. Guidelines to use Personal Devices Before you dive into investing in a personal safety device or become completely dependent on the software, here are some general guidelines to follow: Check it out first. A new security device is not of any help if you use it for the first time in a state of stress or anxiety. Once you unbox the product or install an app, you should perform tests to trigger an alert, send your location to a friend, or activate any kind of SOS functionality in the product. If the product you're using allows you to connect to alert services, give it a try. And if you have listed friends as an emergency point of contact in an application, tell your friends and make sure they know what to do when alerted, too. Learn about it. Be it any product you use, it works to its full efficiency if it is available at all times. If you find yourself jogging alone at night, have your gear ready. You won't always have time to rummage through your bag. Be alert. Don't let the promise of technology tempt you to let your guard down. The two main principles of self-defense training are being aware of your surroundings and trusting your instincts. Even the best product may fail occasionally. Your phone may run out of battery, or it may be stolen. Devices that rely on data or WiFi signals are useless if you are out of range. Location-based services can be used against you by abusive individuals. Some apps may store your location and contacts on their servers, so they might trade some privacy for their use. Don't share your location with anyone you wouldn't trust to not use it against you or who doesn't overreact by sending the police to the location when you're just stuck in a meeting or sleeping. Conclusion Finally, having personal safety devices will help prevent any concerns or worries about the safety of the individuals. Most of the time, family members may suggest personal alarms to their loved ones because they are concerned for the safety or health of their loved ones. That is completely understandable because they are not always there to help their elderly relatives. So, in this case, security alert devices will be a big help. Near and dear ones do not have to worry about not being around and helping their parents or grandparents if they get stuck. Having a personal alarm ensures help is always available and at the touch of a button.

hoe CCTV Cameras From The Rain

4 Best Tips To Protect Your CCTV Cameras From The Rain

  When planning to install a new outdoor security camera system, the security of the cameras and the cables attached to them is paramount. If the camera and accessories are not secured, one’s safety may be compromised. The outdoor security camera needs to be protected not only from professional thefts but also from the weather, smog, animals, and insects. While wireless and tamper-detection technologies can help protect cameras, they are no substitute for good planning. If one feels the CCTV camera has been damaged by rain or other weather conditions, they need to find a way to fix it. So why should you wait for extreme weather conditions? One can experiment with many ideas on how to protect CCTV cameras from rain to give much-needed peace of mind and save money. 1. Secure a weatherproof CCTV camera When shopping for security cameras, remember to choose ones that are IP65 or IP66 waterproof. The Ingress Protection Code (IP Code) is a rating and classifying the level of protection that electronic and mechanical enclosures provide against water, ingress, and dust. The IP65 rating is perfect for outdoor use. IP66-rated cameras are more protected against water than IP65-rated cameras and can be a bit more expensive.  When it comes to an IP-rated CCTV system, one must have the recommended IP certifications for non-compromised security. Various IP ratings are advised for environmental conditions, including wetness and dust exposure. Camera security systems in wet climates require a weatherproof enclosure rated at least IP66 to withstand extreme weather such as snow and rain. In addition, these enclosures should be inspected regularly to ensure that the sealing rings are still tight. Humidity can cause water to condense inside the camera and turn to freeze. For this reason, one should also exercise caution when moving the device from an extremely rainy environment to a fairly warm one. If condensation is excessive, it can deplete internal components. The camera material should also reflect expected conditions; for example, if it encounters wet conditions most of the time, one could benefit from a marine coating. The weak winter sun can also cause visibility problems. It is important to make sure that the cameras do not have problems with glare throughout the day. If so, the camera can be moved or tilted slightly to avoid this. Reduced hours of sunlight can also prevent your camera from capturing the best possible images. Ensuring the quality of the image and the lighting of the site is also essential. IP66 is everyone's popular choice and also very affordable. They can withstand the rigors of common climates. That way, individuals would not have to spend a lot of time thinking about how to protect CCTV cameras from rain. Thunder, lightning, and all these extreme climatic conditions are bearable for such a camera. A camera marked IK10 is a higher version of the IP66 camera. This can even withstand external mechanical forces. 2. Consider other factors The issue is not only with the cameras; low temperatures may affect other electronic devices. Rain and wind can quickly degrade poorly specified cables and unprotected connectors outdoors. Temperature-controlled environments are commonly found for monitoring components, such as network video recorders with hard disks and monitor screens. However, there is a risk if these devices are stored overnight in a cold outdoor vehicle and then installed and powered on immediately. Hard disks can deplete when the lubricant’s presence thickens. LCD screens contain liquids that can freeze and damage pixels. Even if you see an advertisement that says the camera is waterproof, this may not be true. So it is essential to hire a professional CCTV installation service to help you buy the right waterproof CCTV camera, and as such, this is the best way to protect your CCTV camera from the rain. Always ensure the working of safety components in outdoor locations before seasonal temperatures drop. 3. Avoid Condensation Ensuring the temperature rating parameters when specifying a camera is enough to keep a CCTV system running in rainy environments. There are two main characteristics to understand: storage and operating temperature. Storage temperature is the temperature at which equipment can be safely stored when switched off. Operating temperature is the ambient air temperature when the equipment is energized. Suppose the camera is stored below the recommended operating temperature. In that case, it is recommended that the camera warm up in a warm environment and turn off the power until the camera reaches operating temperature. Areas receiving heavy rain can sometimes be difficult for outdoor CCTV cameras. Over time, the sealing of the CCTV housing will weaken and allow moisture to enter the camera housing. And after a while, this moisture starts to accumulate on the camera lens and degrades the quality of the video stream. As the first step toward how to protect CCTV cameras from rain, one must ensure the proper fitting of the camera so that no moisture invades the equipment. As another alternative, one can insert silica gel packets inside the camera; these silica gel packets absorb the moisture from the lens, keeping the CCTV camera lens clear and free from fog. Security surveillance cameras are expected to be kept in a space with an adequate air supply. To maintain good image quality, the camera should be kept dry. If it is not placed in a dry place, moisture will degrade video quality, and the camera may even malfunction. In order to prevent damage from rain on security CCTV cameras, one should avoid letting them get wet in the first place. For this to happen, one must ensure that there are no gaps around the camera installation area. 4. Tune the camera sensitivity The sensitivity of outdoor CCTV cameras is one of the most common problems. In some circumstances, it may be difficult to detect raindrops and other small changes in the environment if individuals are unaware of how to adjust the camera's sensitivity. Fortunately, this is an easy fix. It is all about knowing the camera's brightness setting and increasing it to 4%. This will allow the camera to detect more raindrops. One can also set your camera to detect motion automatically. Motion detection is ideal for outdoor CCTV cameras as it will detect any movement that occurs near your business. Motion detection should be set according to the size of the object from which the camera detects motion. For example, if an individual passes in front of your home, motion detection will detect the person, but not animals or large vehicles passing. This gives one a more clear understanding of how to protect CCTV cameras from rain. While it may be tough to prevent rain from coming into the CCTV system, it is possible to avoid wetness with the following recommendations. The security camera system should be installed in such a way it succeeds in preventing rainwater from entering the system. In addition to silicone, a window covering can prevent rain by sealing the window where the security system is located. In the case of thermal bulbs, one may want to use a thermostat that automatically shuts off the light when the room reaches a certain temperature to avoid overheating and damaging your camera. By avoiding the rain in the first place, the camera will be protected from rain. It can either be covered with a waterproof box or placed in an area with sufficient ventilation. Conclusion Although many CCTV cameras have high-resolution screens, rainy weather conditions can degrade the overall video quality. One should periodically check their camera for excess moisture or water to ensure nothing interferes with the camera's ability to record good quality footage. One needs to get rid of any smudges, dust, or debris from the camera lens so one can see clearly whenever there is a need. If so, one also needs to keep the security camera dust-free. Keep the exterior clean by wiping regularly and using a can of compressed air to blow dust from the internals. One should also periodically check that the power supply is properly connected to ensure that there is no power loss during your CCTV setup. This is essential after a heavy storm or snowfall as it can damage the electrical contacts. Checking system cables are often a good way to prevent damage from occurring. Check that the connecting cable is not frayed, exposed, or shows signs of general wear. Cables that appear damaged should be replaced immediately to avoid further damage to your CCTV system. Taking these easy-to-follow measures during the monsoon months will help you maintain your high-quality CCTV system. This way, you will have no problem viewing the camera, and it will help you understand how to protect CCTV cameras from rain.


Apartment Security System: Key Reasons Why You Need It

  Some individuals may think that since a private apartment is usually located in a high-rise building with many neighbors, the apartment does not pose as much of a security risk as an independent space. But that is not always true. Apartments have potential risks for tenants or owners, ranging from fires and floods to gas leaks, theft, burglars, stolen packages, etc. If you live in an apartment, you may have a set of rules and procedures detailing the obligations you must follow while in your apartment space. While the rules vary by the apartment complex, many wireless security systems don't require professional drilling, wiring, or installation. These homeowner-friendly equipment are the best options for apartment residents with limited freedom when it comes to modifying their space. Plus, you can take these wireless systems with you when you travel. But where do you start? What security problems exist for apartments, and what is the best way to protect the apartment with a security system? Benefits of Wireless Apartment Security Systems With contemporary security systems, one can stay safe even without being inside one’s living space. A wireless home security system requires no wires or cables; instead, they use Wi-Fi and radio-magnetic signals to communicate between the core system, the camera, and other devices. These tenant-friendly smart home devices enhance apartment security and can easily be integrated with your smart home system, including lights and thermostats. They also allow you to monitor your home even when you are not there. Here are some of the advantages associated with non-wired home security systems: They are very flexible when you use them. You can meet the terms of your agreement since no wiring is required. You can connect your smart security system to other smart home devices. You can monitor your system remotely from anywhere, anytime, using your smartphone or computer. Setup is also much easier than with a wired system. Steps to make your apartment living safer Secure apartment entry points Throughout the apartment, including lifts, parking spaces, and storage rooms, all stairs, doors, gates, and entrances should be regularly inspected. Although apartment supervisors can do more to improve resident safety and reduce property crimes, they have limited resources. A security service provides valuable insights into endpoint vulnerabilities that asset managers miss or have not been trained to detect. They can also point to outdated technology and physical deterrents that criminals have learned to bypass. Audited Security Services In 2018, the latest FBI crime investigation uncovered approximately eight million property crimes, resulting in an estimated $14.4 billion in damages. By ensuring that a multi-family unit does not contribute to future statistics, security companies performing home security checks can assess security risk areas such as roads, poor vision, or lighting. A security department may also evaluate security systems, whether they involve new or legacy technology. Security assessments should also consider the presence or absence of physical security systems. The checklist should include active latches on all doors of the unit, sliding doors, windows, and external safety railings; and measures to prevent property theft. Using Walking and Mobile Patrols The physical presence of security guards as well as continuous security patrols, especially if they are communicating a signal through their body posture and posture, can send a powerful deterrent message. When incidents occur, security guard companies that work closely with local police and emergency services can offer a more coordinated and effective response. There's much more to deploying a mobile security patrol than putting someone in a car. A vehicle patrol service, coupled with a foot patrol by a physical security guard, can provide valuable backup to ensure that problems are spotted before they start. Prepare for security emergencies An efficient security action plan is essential for every building apartment resident and resident supervisor looking to implement effective apartment security. The National Apartment Housing Council has a comprehensive guide for property managers that covers planning for all manner of security threats, from cyberattacks to natural disasters. Having a written plan helps organize and streamline the incident response process. Incident responders must have clarity about their roles, responsibilities, and authorities during an incident. The importance of communication cannot be overstated. Managing incidents effectively depends on partnering with tenants, property managers, public safety officials, and security guards as soon as possible. Implement apartment security education Individuals empowered to take an active role in apartment construction and security will facilitate the work of security services and mobile patrols. Ensure they are familiar with buzzer system security and know how to secure their squads against theft. Check to make sure they know the security service's emergency procedures and know the right steps to protect individuals. Recruiting security guards that residents know and trust is also essential. Hiring someone from the community is an important first step.  Conclusion If there's one statistic about the feasibility of an apartment security system, it's the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) statistic. Apartments are at risk of 85% more likely to break in than independent homes. Apartment security systems protect your home from external threats through the use of modern technology. There are many parts to a security system, but one thing that is standard in all devices is the core processor. This processor helps to turn on and off the system. They are also available in different styles according to your needs, such as touch-screen and keyless.

Best Smart Home Device

Best Smart Home Devices 2022: Here Are Our Top Picks

  Technology has taken over our lives and become an integral part in the last few years. Smart Home Device is one such technological gadget that is getting immense love and popularity. Unlike earlier times, smart systems are not limited to Alexa or asking to play a song. Rather, they have become smart enough to grill the chicken, turn off the lights, and safeguard your home from burglars. All you are required is to give a command, and it will perform the action. Plus, they have become less expensive than before, making them a great investment.  With the popularity, the number of smart home device brands is also increasing massively. Today, hundreds of brands claim to offer the best device; not all of them are as reliable as they say. This is why we are here to help you begin with your smart home journey. To help you out, we have tested dozens of options and come up with our list of the best smart home devices in 2022. While there are several devices to complete the technology-laden home of your dreams, these four are hand-picked by our experts based on research. All of these are believed to be the best value for money. So, read on and determine which one fits your needs the best.  Benefits Of Investing In Smart Home Devices We are living in an interconnected world where technology has captured all sectors. It is rapidly increasing, and so are smart home devices. Over the years, smart home gadgets have come a long way and are gradually becoming a larger part of our daily lives. So, if you are looking forward to getting yourself one, here are some of the prominent benefits that you must consider.  - Boosts home security - Convenient to use - Improves quality of life - Links all smart devices - Reduces energy consumption   Best Smart Home Devices 2022: Our Top Picks 1. Amazon Echo Dot: 4th Gen Reasons To Buy:  - 3.5mm output - Futuristic design that looks amazing - Outstanding connectivity - Great microphone performance - Rich, detailed sound Reasons To Avoid:  - Lacks bass - Inconsistent when responding Amazon Echo Dot 4th Gen is one of the top smart home devices you must consider while making the purchase. It is an aesthetically pleasing smart speaker with powerful sound output and some advanced features. Over the years, the company has worked on its audio performance, and this device serves with a major upgrade. It can also be synced with other devices and offers a multi-room music feature that allows music to be played in different rooms at a time. Apart from this, it is easy to set up and comes with a free Alexa Guard that lets it detect smoke alarms or house break-ins and notifies the owner in any such situation. While it is all good, it lacks the bass and is not consistent in responding. At times, it misses the instruction from far behind. So, if you are looking for an entry-level device that can cater to all your daily needs on a budget, then look no further than Amazon Echo Dot: 4th Gen. 2. Google Nest Hub (Gen 2) Reasons To Buy:  - Sleek & neat design - Speedy assistant responses - Excellent screen - Good, music-friendly speaker - Hands-free control Reasons To Avoid:  - Sleep sensing can be fickle - Big bezel remains - No Netflix support Unlike other best smart home devices 2022, Google Nest Hub 2nd Gen is much more than just a speaker. Along with a speaker for playing music, it has a screen interface and a camera for visual entertainment and video conferencing. The second generation of Google Nest Hub was released in 2021 and came out in the market at a much lesser price than before but with better features. Not just entertainment, its built-in camera can also be used to turn this device into a smart home camera for capturing all the activities when you are not at home. You can also use your Google Nest Hub to manage and control other smart home devices like smart plugs, smart lights, and thermostats. While there are a few drawbacks like any other device, they are easy to neglect at their price.  3. Samsung SmartThings Reasons To Buy:  - Great mobile app - Compatible with Zigbee and Z-Wave devices - Easy installation with WiFi - No monthly charges Reasons To Avoid:  - Difficult to upgrade - A bit expensive  If you are looking for a smart home compatible device, then Samsung SmartThings is one of the best smart home devices you can find. This system works with most smart devices and allows the users to control all of them from a single application. Along with managing, the mobile app also makes the setup of the system much more accessible and time-saving. It has a WiFi inbuilt because of which no router plug-in is required, and you can easily place it anywhere around your home. Over the years, it has grown in its offerings, but its prices are still high compared to other options. While it is all great in terms of design, interaction, compatibility, etc., it has a few imperfections. Despite the cons, we find it to be the best of the lot. 4. Ecobee SmartThermostat Reasons To Buy:  - Smart, high-quality speaker - Doesn’t require a subscription - Full Alexa support - Works with Spotify - Better remote sensors Reasons To Avoid:  - Average design - Big bezel - Large in size On the list of the best smart home devices in 2022, next, we are going to review Ecobee SmartThermostat. It is a sleek-looking, feature-packed device with built-in Alexa, a slick touchscreen interface, and a remote sensor to check the temperature of all the rooms. Along with regulating the temperature, this device is also used for playing music and forming a connection between all the smart home devices. The newer version of Ecobee SmartThermostat comes with a voice control feature and supports Alexa calling, messaging, as well as Drop-In. You can also integrate it with Google Assistant and several home security systems. Also, it has beefier speakers that make it a passable entertainment device. Adding to the list of its offerings, it has a remote sensor, improved battery life, a longer range, and much more. Without a doubt, the Ecobee SmartThermostat is one of the best smart home devices you can get your hands on.  Final Words Today, smart home devices are not just for fun; they have become a device to fulfill your substantial needs. They can enhance productivity and make life easier and more convenient. With just a single device, you can make your home a smart home and automated, safer, and cleaner. Having said that, it’s high time to move your home into the future and give it a much-needed upgrade. But trust us, once you have installed any of these best smart home devices in 2022, there’s no going back. 

Why Should You Choose The Ring Security Cameras?

Do you want to add video surveillance to your home to protect it from intruders or burglars? If yes, Ring security cameras are an excellent choice. In recent years, these cameras have received significant acclaim. Since the Ring has quite a decent collection of 13 surveillance cameras that are high-quality and inexpensive, they are a great pick with cutting-edge security gear without breaking the bank; we thoroughly tested all the cameras and came up with this review.  This review will focus on different types of surveillance cameras, their features, security, and more. So, scroll down and discuss our expert's encounter with Ring security cameras. But before we get too far into the hands-on experience of the security cameras, let’s look at what lured us about this brand.  What We Like: - Easy DIY Installation - Several cameras to choose from - Incredible features - Easy-to-use mobile app - 30-day refund policy What We Don’t Like: - Equipment cost adds up - Compatibility only with Ring devices - No local storage - Limited field of view - Professional monitoring only In US & Canada Different Ring Security Cameras Available Here’s a rundown of different Ring security cameras that are available for protecting every corner of your home.  1. Ring Indoor Cam Price: $59.99 Features Ring Indoor Cam - 1080p video resolution - Color night vision - Live Video and Two-Way Talk - Easy installation - Motion Detection and Alerts - Noise cancellation About Ring Indoor Cam Ring Indoor Cam is a compact camera perfect for seeing what’s happening at your home when you are away. Unlike other indoor cameras, this camera is so small that you can easily carry it everywhere and install it without impacting the interior. Also, this camera has a plug-in installation that allows a DIY setup in just a few minutes. This camera can be perfectly described as “Small in size. Big on peace of mind.” 2. Ring Stick Up Cam Price: $99.99 to $199.99 Products: 1. Stick Up Cam Battery 2. Stick Up Cam Plug-In 3. Stick Up Cam Solar 4. Stick Up Cam Elite  Features: - HD video & two-way talk - Both indoor and outdoor - Solar and battery power - Motion-activated notifications - Color night vision About : Stick Up camera is one of the most versatile Ring security cameras that works great both indoors and outdoors. This camera has a wire-free design that makes it easy to put anywhere and relocate whenever needed. Also, it comes with multiple placement options and motion settings that allow customers to find their perfect setup as per their requirements. 3. Ring Spotlight Cam Price: $199.99 to $249.99 Products: 1. Spotlight Cam Battery 2. Spotlight Cam Wired 3. Spotlight Cam Mount 4. Spotlight Cam Solar  Features: - Live Video - Two-Way Talk - Motion Detection and Alerts - Siren - LED Lights About: Ring Spotlight Cam is one of the outdoor cameras that should be installed to illuminate and capture any moment instantly. Such a camera records all the movements even in the darkness of the night and helps stop the crime before it happens. Unlike other cameras, it is a perfect blend of HD security camera and security spotlight that makes it visible in all scenarios.  4. Ring Floodlight Cam Price: $199.99 to $269.98 Products: 1. Floodlight Cam Wired Pro 2. Floodlight Cam Pro Plug-In 3. Floodlight Cam Wired Plus 4. Floodlight Cam Plus Plug-In Features: - Two-Way Talk with Audio+ - 1080p HD Video & Color Night Vision - Standard 2.4GHz Connectivity - 105dB Siren - 2000 Lumens About: This is another outdoor camera by Ring that you can install to safeguard your large outdoor areas like the backyard or driveway. Such a camera comes with two super-bright LED security lights which are simply one of the best ways to protect your home from intruders. With bright lights, a floodlight camera improves the night vision and captures everything in color. Without a doubt, it is one of the strongest lines of defense that you can add to your home security system.  Ring Security Camera Features That Are Worth Considering The Ring has designed surveillance cameras with incredible tech features for users of different needs. Have a look at some of the most significant features. 1. Rich Notifications: Ring security cameras are linked with a mobile app that sends the owners real-time notifications to keep them updated with all the happenings at their homes. It will notify you as soon as the action takes place.  2. Person Detection: This is a relatively new feature available in all the security cameras except the Ring Indoor Cam. This feature understands the difference between humans and other moving objects and notifies only when a person is detected.  3. Motion Detection: Ring cameras feature advanced motion detection that differentiates not just between humans and objects but also between animals. It won’t send the notification if a dog is sitting in front of the camera or if a toy car crosses.  4. HD Video Recording: All the Ring security cameras are well-designed to record footage in up to 1080p HD video resolution. This ensures extremely clear and beautiful recordings where you can clearly see the faces and the actions.  5. Infrared Night Vision: This is another feature that lures a lot of customers. Having Ring cameras, you will get clear images or recordings even in the dark. These cameras have infrared LED sensors that make it possible.  6. Two-way Talk: Another really convenient feature of security cameras by Ring is two-way audio. The cameras are equipped with speakers and microphones that allow the owner to listen and speak to the person in front of the camera.  7. Noise Cancellation: All the security cameras have a noise cancellation feature that ensures clear audio in the footage with less or no background noise from the streets. Because of this, the audio is much more clear and less muddled. 8. Smart Home Integration: In today’s modern world, Alexa and Google Assistant have become a part of almost everyone’s life. And the good news is that Ring surveillance cameras can easily integrate with them.  Do We Recommend Ring Security Cameras?: Final verdict These are the few details that you must know about these cameras. Now that you have explored the positive, the negative, the available options, and the features of Ring security cameras in this review, let’s learn what our experts have to say– whether they recommend using these cameras or not, and if yes, then who are the potential users. According to our experts, Ring surveillance cameras are an innovative and versatile set of home security tools that range from $59.99 to $269.98. These cameras offer decent security with outstanding features without costing an arm and a leg. The overall performance and features make Ring an industry leader and a popular choice for different budgets. They will help you keep an eye on your pets, kids, elders, as well as trespassers when you are not around. Having said that, we recommend smart home users choose Ring security cameras for safeguarding their homes. Try them out; you will not be disappointed!