What Are The Different Types Of Identity Theft?

While you have probably heard of the term identity theft, are you aware of what exactly it is? Identity theft is the criminal act of using someone's personal or financial information with the aim of monetary gain or committing fraud. It is to steal the information and use it to impersonate the person for unauthorized activities. Different types of identity theft leave the victim with damaged credit, finances, reputation, as well as emptied bank accounts.    We are living in an era where technology is growing at a rapid pace. This constant evolution in technology results in more opportunities for fraudsters to acquire access to someone's personal information for their own advantage. They have become smart enough to develop sophisticated, clever, and unpredictable means of stealing sensitive information. However, by being proactive, one can save themselves from becoming a victim and prevent the damage. When it comes to protection, the first step is always to educate yourself about identity theft. A little knowledge can go a long way in stopping cybercriminals in their fraudulent trade, especially when they devise new schemes daily. We have compiled a list of different types of identity theft to watch out for. Understanding these types will help you or your loved ones stay one step ahead of hackers.   6 Types Of Identity Theft You Must Be Aware Of   1. Financial Identity Theft     Financial identity theft is one of the most common types that entails using someone's personal information to gain access to their financial accounts. In such fraud, the theft is done either by taking over the existing account or by creating a new account in the victim's name. Some of the other commons methods that are used for the crime are:   - Stealing the credit/ debit card or its information from the online platform - Hacking the bank account and withdrawing funds from it - Through data breaches or phishing   While it might lead to bankruptcy, there are still ways by which you can protect yourself from such crimes. This includes keeping a check on your bank accounts, credit card history, loans issued on your names, bills, insurance, etc. If you come across any suspicious activity or unexplained charges, you must get in touch with the authorities.     2. Medical Identity Theft   Now we will discuss another common form of crime – medical identity theft. The victim’s information is being used to get free medical services, treatments, and drugs. This identity theft leads to multiple incorrect entries in the medical record of the victim without their knowledge. It is a complicated crime that is not easy to resolve. The motive of the fraudsters behind this theft is to:   - Claim medical insurance  - Get a medical prescription for drugs  - Purchasing costly medical equipment - Accessing healthcare services like surgeries, diagnostic tests, and checkups   To prevent this type of identity theft, you must carefully read all your medical documents, bills, and statements. Along with this, you must also review all your claims and contact the insurance company in case of any unfamiliar charges. Also, in case you are disposing of your documents, make sure you shred them properly.    3. Child Identity Theft   Compared to other types of identity theft, this is very difficult to spot. Child identity theft involves getting access to a child’s information or their Social Security Number with a motive to commit financial fraud. Criminals usually go for this theft because a child is not aware of such details, and hence, such scams may go unnoticed for a long time. Some of the common activities included in child identity theft are:   - Opening a new bank account - Applying for a driving license - Getting the government benefits - Finding employment - Obtaining loans on a child's name - Avoiding outstanding arrest warrants, etc.   To prevent your child or family from being a part of this theft, you should review your child's credit report with credit bureaus like Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax.    4. Synthetic Identity Theft     Synthetic identity theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the United States. In this, the perpetrator tries to create fake identities with the help of the victim’s real information. Here, the details of the victims are completely or partially fabricated because it combines data from different sources. The commonly collected information are birthdates, addresses, and Social Security numbers. This is then used for:   - Opening fake bank accounts - Taking loans and credit cards - Availing expensive services - Making fraudulent purchases - Committing financial crimes   For preventing such type of identity theft, you must keep an eye on your mails and credit reports. You can also place a security freeze or look for identity monitoring services. While these are some ways to minimize the risk, such thefts are difficult to identify as they involve mixed records of fictitious identities.    5. Criminal Identity Theft   This is the theft where someone commits the crime but gives untrue identifying information to the police. The motive of the criminal is to safeguard themselves from being arrested, getting summons, and preventing the discovery of a warrant in the real name. Among all the types, this is the most damaging kind as it leads to criminal charges in the name of the victim. Also, such kinds of thefts are quite challenging to detect. The victim will not be aware of the theft until the consequences become evident like:   - Receiving court summons - Issuing of the background check - Getting a bench warrant from a judge for the arrest - Finding an unpaid speeding ticket   There are not many ways by which you can protect yourself from such thefts. All you can do is safeguard your personal ID from getting lost or stolen. Other than that, you can also limit the amount of information you share online.    6. Tax-Related Identity Theft   The last identity theft we are going to discuss is tax-related. Such exploitation occurs when a criminal tries to file a tax return with the stolen information and claims a fraudulent return. This crime is usually done with the help of the Social Security Number of the victim. The motive behind such a crime is to steal the tax refund. Here are some of the signs that will help you catch tax-related identity theft.    - You won’t be able to file your tax return - Getting an IRS notice for an online account - You get an Employee Identification Number without applying - Getting a notification about a suspicious return   Suppose you want to protect yourself and your business from being victims of such fraud. In that case, you must be careful with your personal information and get an Identity Protection Personal Identification Number. Along with this, you must keep a check on your accounts and watch for any alarming signs.    7. Common Ways To Commit Identity Theft   Knowing different types of identity theft is not enough. You should also be aware of how people commit these frauds and criminal activities. Knowing how thieves get their hands on your personal information will reduce the risk and help you protect yourself from identity theft. Here are some of the common ways to commit identity theft.    - Phishing - Smishing - Skimming  - Vishing - Fake website - Dumpster diving - Mail theft - Pretexting - Pharming - Hacking - Unsafe internet connection - Data breaches   Final Words: When we talk about the internet, it is a whole different world that offers a plethora of entertaining and exciting opportunities, from networking on social media to online shopping to sending and receiving money. While it is there to make your life easier, several criminals wait to intrude on your privacy and use your information for committing identity theft. It's not just about the different types of identity theft that result in such crimes; it is innocent people and their lack of knowledge that makes them an easy target. However, by learning about different types of identity thefts, one can detect and respond to them quickly. So, pin this article and share it with your friends and families to educate them and help them enjoy modern technology without any fear. 

7 Ways To Recover After A Home Burglary

Home burglary is the illegal act of entering a building or any other area with an intention to rob, murder or commit other criminal offenses. Such activities have become quite prominent in the United States. Various studies have shown that over 1 million burglaries occur in the country every year. This terrifying statistic is a cause of concern as it comes with repercussions that are difficult to handle by someone.    While we think of break-ins or burglaries as broken doors or windows, lost valuables, upturned items, etc., in reality, they are much more than that. Along with the materialistic loss, such activities come with mental and emotional distress, making different people react differently. Some people feel anxious and violated, while others feel depressed or angry, and some might even feel trauma. No matter what emotion they feel, they have to deal with a lot. This makes it evident that recovering from burglary is not just about replacing the lost items and getting the damages fixed but also about dealing with emotional distress.     Coping with such a situation takes time and requires a person to be kind to themselves and embrace the emotions. While you need to be emotionally strong to cope with the trauma, you need to be practical too. You need to take several actions like getting it reported, asking for the recovery from the insurance company, etc. While the ways of recovery after burglary differ with every individual, we are sharing some common tips that will work for all. Here we will take you through expert advice on how to recover from burglaries. This guide will come in handy during such situations as it will help you regain peace of mind and make your home more secure than before.   1. Ensure Everyone’s Safety     Burglary is a horrifying event that leaves people frozen in fear. Once they find out about such an act, they feel several emotions. After the invasion occurs, the first step should always be to ensure that everyone is safe. Check up on your spouse, kids, roommates, elders, or anyone present when the intruder entered. Ensure that they are unharmed and, if required, provide them with necessary medical care.    2. Take Notes And Pictures    The next step should always be to check the property and make a list of stolen items and other essential details. While such events might make you feel awful, they also require you to stay focused. Jot down the details like time, date, the estimated value of missing items, etc. Also, look around for signs of entry, footprints, etc., and take pictures of the damaged items. While doing so, make sure you don’t touch any surface or entry points as it might hamper the fingerprints or DNA evidence.   3. Report Your Burglary   This is the most important way of coping with a home burglary. After the event, you must call the police and get their assistance. Getting in touch with them will help you know exactly how the perpetrator entered the place and reduce the risk of such events in the near future. Once they arrive, they will ask you a few questions to better understand the crime. Providing them details or the evidence you have collected will help with the investigation and increase the chances of catching the burglar.    4. Talk To Your Home Insurance Company     You must reach out to your insurance company and try to recover as much as possible. The majority of insurance companies cover vandalism and theft (to an extent). Informing them about the event and providing them with the evidence and details will help you get the claim that your policy can cover. While this won’t entirely compensate for the lost items, it will help you recover a bit. Remember, “Something is better than nothing.” So, inform the company and get your claim.    5. Repair The Damage   Once the burglary has occurred, it might leave your home damaged. To enter the property, the intruder would’ve broken the door or windows and ransacked the belongings to find the valuables. This makes it essential to get it repaired as soon as possible. Repairing the items and bringing a sense of normalcy will not just reduce the emotional distress but also improve security.    6. Invest In A Home Security System   While you can’t undo the burglary that has already occurred, you can prevent such incidents from happening again in the future. As a part of the healing process, you must strengthen the security by installing a home security system. Such a system includes many devices that sense these activities and inform the owner beforehand. They also help scare off the intruder and prevent home burglary. Installing the security system will reduce your stress and make you feel more protected and safe. If you already have such a system, then get it tested and, if required, upgrade it for better protection.    7. Reach Out And Talk About The Incident   If you are wondering how to recover after a burglary, this tip will come in great help. Burglary is a horrible event that could lead a person into post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and other emotional traumas. For the healing process, you must acknowledge your feelings and get the help of your friends and family to deal with the fear or stress of the loss. Talking about the event and how you feel will help you deal with your thoughts and feel less burdened. It’s rightly said that emotional scars are even worse than financial losses.   Final Thoughts:   If you are a victim of a burglary or theft, coming out of the distress or trauma might feel difficult right now. But, trust us, it is completely possible. All it requires are these tips and some patience. Such incidents have the potential to infiltrate your mind and damage your sense of safety in your own house. However, these tips will help you regain yourself and enhance your home security. So, follow these tips, slowly recover from the incident, and enjoy life once again. Stay safe.   

Your Ultimate Guide To Security System Maintenance

According to statistics, a burglary occurs every 18 seconds in the United States. This equates to approximately 4,800 burglaries each day. The rising number of burglaries or home break-ins make it essential to protect your home with a security system. While people are now getting them installed, more than ever, they tend to forget about them after installation. After all, these systems are extremely self-sufficient and conduct all of their primary activities on their own, so it is easy to overlook them. However, in reality, installing them is not enough. As much as the installation, the security system maintenance is equally important to let them perform their primary function of keeping your home safe.    When we talk about the maintenance of security systems, it usually involves inspecting system elements, replacing the old worn-out batteries, ensuring communication among the components, checking the wiring, and fixing the loose ends. This inspection and monitoring aim to keep the system functioning at its best and avoid unpleasant and costly system malfunctions. Since system maintenance is crucial and most people are unaware of it, we have some tips to help you. Implementing these tips will help you keep track of your device's performance and make your home a safer place.   Benefits Of Performing Security System Maintenance   Monitoring your home security system might seem like extra work to you, but a couple of reasons make it really worth it. The benefits associated with proper security system maintenance includes:   1. Maximize Security   Keeping a check on your system and ensuring that it works maximizes security. It offers a level of satisfaction and also makes sure that there’s no loose wiring or else that can deter the system from functioning correctly.    2. Increases Lifespan Of The System   Security systems are highly expensive, and hence, they are required to work properly for years. However, like any other electronic device, the security systems are also subject to wear and tear. To increase its lifespan and not let it wear out before time, you must ensure that it stays in good condition.   3. Reduced Risk Of Breakdown   Security systems are meant to be in working condition all the time to ensure the safety and security of everyone. However, what if the system failed to activate in case of an emergency? This might end up in a huge loss. To reduce this risk, you must monitor your system regularly.   4. Peace Of Mind   Knowing your system and ensuring it is operational offers the ultimate reassurance that you are protected. Maintaining your system and knowing that it complies with all legal and insurance requirements will give you confidence and peace of mind.    5. Saves Money   Purchasing and installing the security system costs a lot of money. Hence, keeping it in good condition can make it last longer and eventually help you save money or get it replaced. Security system maintenance also saves money by not letting you call for professional help to get your system fixed in an emergency.    How To Perform Security System Maintenance?     While these systems are designed to provide protection and keep your home safe, they can’t perform all the work for you. Your own diligence is also essential to keep the system operational and ensure it is working correctly. You need to conduct security system maintenance every now and then and include a few simple steps that won’t take long to perform.   Here is a rundown of the steps you need to take and their timeline.    Checklist: Weekly Maintenance Of Security System   Since you are checking up on your system weekly, you don’t need to do a lot to keep it running. Here are the weekly perimeter checks that you need to perform.    1. Check Equipment Batteries: While you must replace the batteries twice a year, performing it weekly will ensure better security. Some devices eat up a lot of energy, and hence, their batteries get discharged and cause them to malfunction. To avoid that, add a new set of batteries or charge your device.    2. Clean Of Dust And Debris: This might seem like extra work to you, but trust us, it will ensure a long life for your security system. These system devices usually have several openings and holes where the dust and debris get accumulated. This dust should be cleaned to allow a smooth airflow and prevent it from clogging.    3. Examine The Adhesive: Security system devices like sensors and alarms are usually placed in the position with the help of adhesive. The devices need re-fastening occasionally to stay in place. This requires you to examine the adhesive and ensure that it is strong enough to withstand the security system.    4. Inspect All Locks: Every week, you need to walk around your home and inspect all the door and window locks. This ensures that there is no warping, rotting, or other issues that might reduce their effectiveness. Even if you find a weakness, you need to address it immediately and get it fixed.    Security System Maintenance Checklist - Every Month     Your work doesn’t end by keeping a check on your system weekly. You also need to look after your system and perform some specific tasks once a month. Here’s the checklist:   1. Update The System And Apps: Security system devices and app updates are important to prevent glitches and vulnerabilities that might allow hackers to exploit. This is why you should look for updates on all the devices every month and install them, if available. This will eliminate the bugs and lower the risk of malfunction.   2. Clean Up Storage: This is another vital task to perform as a part of security system maintenance. Every system has local storage where all the footage gets stored. So, it is crucial to take out some time every month and clear it so you can make room for new videos or footage.    3. Inspect Fire Extinguishers: Fire extinguishers are an important tool for keeping your home protected from a fire outbreak. So, every month you must inspect them and ensure that you have fire extinguishers on every floor and are in working condition. If their pressure gauge reads low, you need to get them serviced.    4. Check All The Exterior Lighting: As part of the home security system, exterior lights are installed to deter intruders, ensure a safe entry to the home, and offer a better light to the camera for recording clear footage. So, you need to make sure the bulbs are functioning properly. And if required, readjust them to maximize effectiveness.    Checklist For Every Six Months   There are some security checks that you must perform every six months for adequate protection. Here are such security system maintenance tasks:    1. Conduct Perimeter Check: Every six months, you need to inspect your home security system from all four corners. You need to check the frames, window sensors, door entrance, backyard lighting, installed cameras, etc. The perimeter check basically examines the entire system, from outdoor covers to screws and adhesive.     2. Test Out The Control Panel: Control panel is the most integral component of the security system and is referred to as the “Brain.” Since it is responsible for controlling all the components, you need to be proactive by testing them twice a year. Modern-day systems come with self-diagnostic tests that you can perform for checking the status.    Checklist For Annual Maintenance Of System     Maintenance of security systems includes some complex and demanding tasks but is worth performing. You don't need to invest a lot of time in such activities, and hence, they can be performed on a yearly basis. Check out these activities and tick them off.    1. Request For Annual Inspection: When it comes to annual security system maintenance, the first step you need to perform is to request a yearly inspection. This will connect you to an expert technician who will look after your security system and ensure it runs optimally. They also make sure that you enjoy the most out of your system.   2. Check The Warranty Or Contract: This is another test you need to perform once a year. Every security system comes with a warranty or contract that you must check every year to get the benefits. If it is about to expire, you must look after all the devices so that you can use the free repair or replacement benefit.     3. Perform A Vulnerability Audit: A vulnerability audit is to look around your home and check if there’s any missing device or anything you need to buy. Also, check if the trees or bushes are blocking the security cameras and interfering with their security. If yes, then trim them immediately. Also, change the adhesive, tighten the loose screws, upgrade the devices, etc.    Final Words: Keeping Your System In Top Condition   At Home Of Expertise, we have curated several articles about home security systems. Right from the best options available to the benefits of installing security systems to how to pick the best system, we have covered multiple aspects. Now, it's time to talk about another important aspect of such systems– their maintenance. The maintenance of the system is as critical as the first installation of the devices. The faulty systems expose the home and make it vulnerable to porch pirates, robberies, burglaries, break-ins, and other threats. This is why the aforementioned steps on how to perform security system maintenance will come in great help. So, keep this article handy and consider it from time to time for your security system maintenance.    

6 Best Parental Control Apps To Keep Your Kids Safe Online

Are you worried about your child's online privacy? Want to protect your child and keep them away from inappropriate content online? Do you want to know if your kid is concealing something from you? If the answers to these questions are yes, then these 6 best parental control apps are something you should know about.    At a time when technology is evolving at a rapid pace, it is difficult for parents to see what their younger ones are doing online. Today, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, children are always on their phones. While the internet is packed with great information and can be used to learn online, it exposes children to inappropriate content. Also, excess use of the internet distracts kids from their future goals. This is why parental control apps are considered so crucial. They are the apps that give parents a better grip on their child’s online activities and help them guide their kids on their journey. However, choosing the right software to accomplish the task isn't always as simple as it appears. This is why Home Of Expertise has done the legwork for you. Our experts have done thorough research and tested different applications in the market and eventually come up with a list of the 6 best parental control apps.    Our Top 6 Best Parental Control Apps     Pricing  iOS/Android No. Of Devices Free Version/ Trial Period Kaspersky Safe Kids $14.99/year Both 500 (maximum) Free Version Available/7-Days Free Trial Bark $ 14 /monthor$ 99 /year Both Unlimited 7-Days Free Trial  Qustodio $54.95/year to $137.95/year Both Up to 15 3-Days Free Trial Norton Family Premier $49.99/year Both Unlimited Not Available OurPact $6.99/month to $9.99/month Both Up to 20 Free Version FamilyTime $27/year to $69/year Both Unlimited 3-Days Free Trial   1. Kaspersky Safe Kids     Pros: - Affordable - Monitors Windows and Mac devices  - Offers screen-time management  - Feature-packed on both free and paid version - No limit on protection devices or profiles   Cons: - Feature limitations for iOS devices - Sluggish interface - Does not offer social media monitoring - Slows down the system   Verdict: Kaspersky Safe Kids is one of the best parental control apps that offer a lot at a low price. This system is fully packed with incredible features to help parents watch over their kids, even when they are not around. Along with letting parents keep an eye, Kaspersky also offers a safe online and offline world to the kids. It is a flexible tool that blocks inappropriate and harmful content, tracks the kid's locations, filters the search results, and delivers a positive online experience. Even though there are some drawbacks, it is the ideal parental control app if you want to safeguard your kids without breaking the bank.    2. Bark   Pros: - Monitors email, social media, texts, etc. - Helps in managing screen time - Provides world-class support service - Compatible with Amazon Fire - No added fees   Cons: - Shorter trial period  - Expensive choice - No GPS function - Text monitoring only on premium plans   Verdict: Bark is one of the few parental control apps that go above and beyond to offer kids a safer world online. It is a comprehensive control tool that offers the maximum coverage with monitoring over 30+ apps and social media platforms. Other than that, it keeps a tab on emails and PC-based online activities. It also includes the location-sharing feature, web filtering, alert notifications, and 24/7 self-harm situation detection. While this system is expensive, it is unique and packed with features that go a long way to protect your child.    3. Qustodio     Pros: - Wide feature set - Well-designed interface - Cross-platform support - Available for multiple platforms  - Excellent content filtering   Cons: - Only 3-days trial period - Unreliable web filtering  - Expensive plans    Verdict: Qustodio is a parental control app that is an easy-to-manage tool even for non-tech savvy parents. It is an all-in-one solution that ensures a risk-free digital world for children by filtering the websites, blocking unwanted apps, setting time limits, etc. This app is perfect for building positive digital habits in kids. The biggest drawback is its hefty price tag. For enjoying all the benefits and ultimate security, parents have to pay $137 for a year which is quite a lot. However, if money is not an issue for you, this is one of the best parental control apps that you can opt for.    4. Norton Family   Pros: - Budget-friendly system - Outstanding web dashboard  - Excellent geofencing tools - Sends detailed monthly or weekly reports - Works on Windows    Cons: - Can’t block apps on PCs - Not supported by Mac devices - No monthly subscription available - No social media tracking    Verdict: Norton Family is among the best parental control apps that provides all-round protection to your child while using the internet. This app provides the right balance for children to become smart, tech-safe, and develop healthy online activities. This system comes with an easy-to-use portal with incredible features like Web Supervision, Video Supervision, Email Alerts, Instant Lock, Location Supervision, and more. With so much to offer, it is a perfect full-service option at a low cost. Like every other parental control app, it lacks some aspects; however, the price makes it a worthy investment.   5. OurPact     Pros: - Offers a free version - Has powerful feature set for iOS - Can monitor up to 20 devices - Outstanding design and navigation - Has two time management features   Cons: - Limited features for the free version - Doesn’t monitor calls or texts - Takes time to set up - Glitches on the app   Verdict: OurPat is one of the most potent and best parental control apps that is packed with great features. It is a great tool that sets healthy boundaries with online activities and safeguards children from getting trapped online. It can do anything that parents want the app to do. It allows to schedule screen time, manually block the online content from being accessed, locate family members, web filtering, block texting, live viewing of child’s activities, and more. Along with unmatched features, the fact that it comes with a free version makes it a clear winner among the other 6 best parental control apps. It also has some drawbacks, but that doesn’t overpower its offerings.    6. FamilyTime   Pros: - Detailed report of child’s online activities - No limit on protecting devices or profiles - Easy to install and setup - More features for iOS than others - Compatible with Amazon devices    Cons: - Not available for window devices - Only 3-days free trial - Limited features for the free version - No social media monitoring    Verdict: The last parental control app on our list is FamilyTime. It is an affordable option for monitoring a child's online activities. Even at a low cost, it offers a slew of features that makes safety more fun and interesting. For effective and effortless digital parenting, it offers features like speed limit alerts, contact watchlist alerts, family pause, gamified screen-time management, SOS/panic button, safe teen drive, monitor text messages, and much more. Getting this app is a competent and instant way for parents to keep their kids safe. While it has some cons, they become negligible in front of its offerings.    Some More Suggestions The above-mentioned are our 6 best parental control apps that we highly recommend to all our readers. However, several other apps are worth looking out for. Check these out and pick the one that goes with your needs the best.    1. Google Family Link 2. Safe Lagoon 3. Moment 4. ScreenTime 5. Net Nanny 6. KidLogger 7. MMGuardian 8. Mobicip 9. Circle Home Plus 10. Canopy   How Did We Review These Parental Control Apps?   Before we end this discussion, it is crucial to discuss how we reviewed the parental control apps. Knowing so will help you better trust our choices and use our recommendations. So, here are some of the criteria that we took into account. Price: The cost of the service and how many devices it can monitor.  Ease Of Installation: How you need to install the app, the time it takes to set up, and the devices it can work on. Then we checked if there was an issue that came up.  Unique Features: The unique capabilities of the app. We compared the features across the control apps and checked if they delivered what they promised or not.  Performance: How does the app work? Is it easy-to-use or requires a person to be tech-savvy? Can kids use it and make the most of the system? We found the answers to these questions to understand its performance.    Final Verdict: These are the best parental control apps that we have for you. These apps will give you an idea about what your children are doing online and let you monitor, restrict, and manage their activities. So, check out these applications and get your hands on one that suits you the best. 

ADT Security System - Here Are The Expert Reviews

In today’s era, home invasions or burglaries have become a common cause of concern among people. With the rise in such criminal activities, people have started trusting home security systems. They believe in protecting themselves, their loved ones, as well as the valuables with trusted leaders in the market. One such leader is ADT. It has been in the home security business for over a hundred years and has become one of the most trusted brands. Over the years, it has become an iconic symbol, and for good reasons. If you look at the market today, the ADT security system is one of the most highly used services in the United States.    ADT is a smart home security provider that offers plenty of options for various customer bases. Having this service offers the homeowners peace of mind with incredible security. But, does long history always imply excellence? Even though it is backed with an incredible background, it is crucial to know how it is today. To help you get familiar with the current security systems of ADT and determine whether it's right for you, we have come up with a review. Through this review, our experts share the results of their extensive research. Read this article to go over the details about the ADT security system. Let’s see how it stacks up!   ADT Security System Overview   Pros: - Multiple monitoring centers - Intuitive, user-friendly mobile app - Partnership with Google Home - Quality, well-integrated equipment - Offers a large range of selection - Trusted, experienced brand - Scalable solutions   Cons:  - Minimum of 36-months contract - Pricey add-ons and upgrades - No option for DIY installation - No professional installation of stand-alone devices - High monthly charges   ADT Security System Plans & Pricing   1. Secure Home Price: $479.20 (+ Pro Monitoring: $45.99/month) What’s Included:  1 Touchscreen panel, 3 Door & window sensors, 1 Motion detector, and Remote arm/disarm (optional). Features:  - Intrusion detection - Fire, CO & flood monitoring - Touchscreen control panel - Voice control   2. Smart Home Price: $679.20 (+ Pro Monitoring: $49.99/month)   What’s Included:  1 Touchscreen panel, 3 Door & window sensors, 1 Motion detector, 1 Smart door lock, and Remote arm/disarm. Features:  - Intrusion detection - Fire, CO & flood monitoring - Touchscreen control panel - Voice control - Remote access via mobile app - Smart home automation   3. Video and Smart home Price: $911.20 (+ Pro Monitoring: $59.99/month)   What’s Included:  1 Touchscreen panel, 3 Door & window sensors, 1 Motion detector, 1 Smart door lock, 1 Outdoor HD camera, 1 free Google Nest Doorbell, and Remote arm/disarm. Features:  - Intrusion detection - Fire, CO & flood monitoring - Touchscreen control panel - Voice control - Remote access via mobile app - Smart home automation - Video security - Stored video clips   Components of the ADT Security System If you are an ADT customer, here are some things you will get along with a security system. While some of these will come with the package you pick, you can add others by upgrading. So take a look at some of the security equipment offered by ADT.    Control Panel A control panel is a touchscreen panel that is the centerpiece of the whole security system. It is a device that allows a user to arm or disarm the system and control various devices right from their fingertips. This panel has a cellular connection and ADT Control app, letting the owner take control even when they are away. It provides remote access and virtual control from anywhere. Also, it helps connect the person to the ADT service center in case of an emergency. This security touchpad not just provides protection to things you care about but also offers intelligent and simple integration and control to all security devices.    Door & Window Alarms The alarm sensors for doors and windows are amongst the most important components of the ADT security system. They provide the first line of defense to the building from burglars or intruders. The door and window alarms are easy to install and are designed with a loud alarm to alert the owner if someone tries to break into their home. The alarms are not just useful in deterring intruders but also help in monitoring and keeping an eye on children. The ADT alarms offer 24/7 monitoring and fit in with the specific needs of the home. They help in keeping track of all the activities and ensure safety.    Security Key Fob ADT security key fob is a convenient, one-touch system that allows a person to arm or disarm their security system when they are away. It is an easy-to-use, uncomplicated device that doesn’t use any codes. The sleek and compact design makes it perfect for keeping in the pocket, backpack, or purse. Along with controlling the system, the security key fob can also be used to call for help in the event of an emergency. This smart component of the security system adds to the convenience and makes security better.    Motion Sensors A motion sensor is a device that adds an extra level of protection to the home. These sensors cover large areas and activate lighting and security cameras for better protection. As the name suggests, it senses the motion and alerts the owner if there’s an intruder. Even though it is a small device, it is smart enough to capture every motion.    Yard Signs & Window Decals Apart from different sensors, cameras, and security devices, the ADT security system also comes with yard signs and window decals to provide a clear message to everyone that your home is secured with ADT protection. Hence, they should not try to break in. These signs help in keeping you and your family safe.    Security Cameras When it comes to security systems, cameras hold a special place. They are one of the most critical components to provide your home with the best security. There are different types of cameras, including a video doorbell, outdoor, or indoor cameras. You can pick any of the choices as per your security needs. Installing these cameras, you can keep an eye on every nook and corner of your home right from your mobile device. They will help you watch over the things that are valuable to you.    What Makes ADT Security System A Good Choice? ADT offers trustworthy security solution systems that are user-friendly and easy to use and manage. Apart from this, ADT security systems are packed with great features that make them a good choice. Here are some of the reasons why we suggest you secure your home with ADT. - Hundreds of years of experience - 24/7 professional monitoring - 6-month, money-back guarantee  - Customizable packages - Theft protection guarantee - Worry-free professional installation   Our Take On ADT Security System Now that you have an overview of what ADT security systems look like, it’s time to see what our experts have to say. After spending weeks researching the systems, we found it a great choice. ADT has a solid reputation to uphold, and by far, it has managed to maintain it perfectly. Right from the quality of the device to 24/7 monitoring to professional installation, these systems offer confidence that the home is secured all the time. It is an excellent choice for customers looking for experienced service providers to handle everything. Also, the person should be prepared to commit to a three-year contract for using such a service. While ADT offers reliable and robust systems with ultimate peace of mind and protection, these systems charge a lot more than the competitors. On comparing it with the other options in the market, you will find the prices on the higher side. However, if you don't mind paying extra for your security, you will be satisfied with the ADT security system.