The Best Features That Make Smart Student Housing Worth It
If you’re a student who has just left home for the first time, you’ll know that renting accommodation isn’t the easiest thing in the world. There are so many different factors to take into account before signing a tenancy agreement, and it can be quite overwhelming at times. However, you must go through the contract thoroughly to make sure that all of your questions and concerns have been addressed. If you are signing a fixed-term tenancy agreement, you must be aware of the end date so that you are prepared for when your tenancy comes to an end. If you have a contractual tenancy agreement, you must be aware of what happens next if you want to stay on the property, but your landlord wants you to leave. Thankfully, there are lots of great ways to make student housing easier and more enjoyable than ever before. Smart student housing is one of them and also one of the most impressive. Smart student housing features lots of nifty new technologies that make living so much better than having an apartment or house that’s anything like your parents might have had in their student days. So, here are some ideas on what makes smart student housing so awesome.
Installing Smart Lock Technology
A key issue for students is how to make their housing accessible to visiting friends and family. Choosing the right housing can make all the difference. Make sure that you choose a housing option that has accessible features. For example, consider a residence with an elevator, a first-floor master suite, or a ground-floor unit with a door wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair. You can also make your housing more accessible by choosing the right roommates. If you live with other students who have disabilities, make sure to let them know that you are willing to help with tasks like hauling heavy suitcases up the stairs or assisting with mobility devices. Parents and grandparents, for example, need a way to get in when their children or grandchildren are out, and vice versa. In the past, this might have been a source of friction, with one party feeling slighted by the other’s actions. With smart lock technology installed today, visitors can gain easy access to the house or apartment via their smartphone, with just a couple of taps on the screen. You can also set up a code that allows you to share your access details with family members, friends, and roommates. This means that you don’t have to be present for them to enter, which is a great way to avoid awkward situations between flatmates and housemates.
Automated Cooking
If you’re like most students, you’re either on a super low budget or living off student loans. In either case, eating out several times a week just isn’t going to happen. Eating in, however, is where automated cooking comes into play. You can install automated cooking appliances in your smart student housing features kitchen, and they’ll help you to make quick, easy, and extremely cheap meals. Some of these appliances work using a built-in app connected to your smartphone. Other smart appliances connect to your home WiFi so you can control them remotely — from your phone or computer. You can set up timers to have your lights come on at a certain time, shut off your heat if it’s getting too hot outside, and even have your coffee pot start brewing before you wake up. Since most smart home devices rely on WiFi, you’ll need to ensure your WiFi is secure. Many smart home devices come with an option to make them even more secure by adding a password, but if it doesn’t, you can set up a VPN on your phone or computer to help secure your WiFi connection. Some appliances allow you to “program” your meal times and temperatures so that when you return home after a long day, you can get a tasty, homemade meal waiting for you. What’s more, you won’t have any washing up to do!
Welcome Home Robot
Who doesn’t want a house-roaming robot that greets you when you get home? One of the best things about smart student housing features is that you can put your imagination to the test when it comes to designing your surroundings. You can add all sorts of gadgets and gizmos to your living space that will make your everyday life much easier and more enjoyable. For example, you can install a robot in your smart student housing that moves around from room to room when you are not at home. This robot can be fitted with cameras and microphones, so it can see and hear everything that’s going on. It can also be programmed to send you notifications about anything out of the ordinary that’s happening in your home.
Smart Lighting
Another great way to make your smart student housing features stand out is to install smart lighting. Even if you’re sharing a house or apartment with your friends, it can be really handy to be able to control your light bulbs remotely without having to get up and adjust them manually. You can install different light bulbs in your home that can be controlled via your smartphone. You can program these bulbs to change colors or even brightness, making your living space feel super cozy and welcoming. Such bulbs are also really useful for keeping track of things like how much water you’ve used or how many calories you’ve burned at the gym. You can monitor your usage remotely via your smartphone and keep track of your progress.
Internet Of Things (IoT) Based Services
One of the best things about modern smart technology is that it doesn’t just come in the form of wires and cables. A lot of it is based on the Internet of Things, or IoT, so it isn’t as obtrusive as lots of older technologies can be. Many different IoT services can be installed in your smart student housing features, helping you make the most of your space and even earning you some extra cash on the side. Some of these include sensors that detect the levels of noise, CO2 levels, and even UV light exposure. You can then use your smartphone to keep tabs on any of these things, and you can even program them to send you alerts when they’re at an unhealthy level.
Video Conferencing Rooms
If you’re studying away from home, you’ll know just how important it is to stay in touch with your loved ones back home. You might visit them when you have holidays, but there’ll still be many times when you’ll want to stay in touch with them via phone or video call. You might find that your university or college offers you the chance to use their video conferencing rooms, but the reality is that these can get pretty busy and book up quickly. You can install video conferencing rooms in your smart student housing features. These can be used by you and your housemates as and when you like, so you won’t have to worry about them being too busy or booked up. The best thing about these is that they’re completely flexible and you can use them whenever you need them. If you have urgent groceries to buy or need to book a taxi, these can be helpful. You can also use them if you want to order something that isn’t on the regular menu but wants to get it delivered. It’s a really easy way to get something that you know you like but are just too busy to get.
Overall, smart student housing is worth investing in. It’s a great way to make your rental experience as fun and enjoyable as possible while also making it much easier to live in. The easiest way to give your apartment or home a makeover is by changing the layout and/or decor. It’s unlikely that you’ll want to move out and find a new place to live just because of the way your walls are decorated, but it certainly won’t hurt. If you want to go even further, you can upgrade your floors with something more practical and comfortable. There are many different flooring options out there, and you are sure to find at least one that suits your taste and needs. You can install lots of different technologies in your home, from smart lighting to video conferencing rooms. All of these are designed to make your everyday life easier and more enjoyable. So, if you’re looking to rent student housing features, it’s worth exploring the different options available to you and seeing what kind of technologies you can install in your home.