hoe Holiday Fire Safety Tips

Holiday Fire Safety Tips for Your Home and Office

  In a perfect world, we would all live in fireproof homes and work environments with sprinklers retrofitted everywhere possible. The unfortunate reality is that fires still break out, often when least expected, and can take advantage of the smallest cracks and crevices to spread quickly. Therefore, every home needs to be prepared for a fire emergency. An emergency plan will help keep you and your family safe during a fire and could save your life. A fire emergency plan includes an exit strategy from your home, an emergency contact, and an emergency kit. If you’re reading this article during the holiday season, there’s a good chance that you or someone you know has just started a new job or has recently moved into a new home. Whether it’s your first home or fifth apartment, this article provides several tips on how you can stay safe during the winter holidays by reducing the risk of fire in your residential and workspaces. Read on to learn more.   Install Fire Sprinklers First and foremost, check if the building you live in or work in has fire sprinklers installed. If so, congratulations! If not, consider installing your sprinkler system. It’s estimated that fire sprinklers reduce the severity of fire by 95% and can reduce the risk of death from fire by 72%. Although fire sprinklers are one of the most effective ways to prevent fires from spreading and causing severe damage, the majority of American commercial buildings are not equipped with sprinkler systems. Only 30% of commercial buildings have sprinkler systems installed, and only about 15% of U.S. homes have sprinklers. The most common reasons for not installing sprinkler systems are the high installation cost and the belief that they are not necessary. While it is true that sprinkler systems are more expensive than other types of fire protection systems, they are also the most effective way to prevent fires from spreading.   Check Your Smoke Detectors If you have them in your home, check to see if your smoke detectors are still operational. If they are not, replace them with new smoke detectors that are properly placed within your home. Be sure to check the batteries regularly to ensure that they are fully operational. You can also purchase 9-volt battery-operated smoke detectors, so you never have to worry about replacing the batteries again! Likewise, if you work in a high-rise building, be sure to check to see if your building has working smoke detectors. If not, ask your building manager or landlord if they are willing to install them throughout the building. If they are not, try to persuade them to do so by showing them how cost-effective they are to install!   No Combustible Furniture in Bedrooms When it comes to fire prevention in your home, one of the most common fires that break out is a result of a burning piece of furniture. Reduce the chances of this happening by not having any furniture that could potentially catch fire in your bedroom. This includes wooden beds, wooden headboards, and wooden couches. Although you may like the look of these items in your bedroom, they are incredibly flammable and can quickly turn a small fire into a full-blown inferno if not carefully monitored. If you must have wooden furniture in your bedroom, be sure to place it at least three feet from the wall. If a wooden piece accidentally catches fire, the wall can be used as a barrier to prevent the fire from spreading to other pieces of furniture.   Install Residential Fire Doors If you live in a large apartment building with several entrances, consider installing fire doors at the bottom of your apartment’s doorways. Residential fire doors can be purchased at most home improvement stores and can be installed in minutes. Fire doors prevent the spread of fire between buildings, which can cause devastating damage if left unchecked. If a fire breaks out in one apartment and begins to spread to the next, a fire door can help to contain the damage. When shopping for residential fire doors, make sure they comply with local building codes and are rated as UL-approved. If you work in a large office building, be sure to check to see if your building has residential fire doors. If not, ask your building manager or landlord if they are willing to install them throughout the building. If they are not, try to persuade them to do so by showing them how cost-effective they are to install!   Check Your Electrical System Since electricity is one of the leading causes of residential fires, be sure to check your electrical system for any potential issues. Although this may sound like a daunting task, you can learn how to perform an electrical inspection in your home with a quick online search! While you’re at it, be sure to check the electrical cords and plugs of any new appliances you have brought into your home recently, such as a new vacuum cleaner or refrigerator. New appliances can sometimes come with faulty or improperly installed plugs or electrical cords that can pose a serious fire risk if not replaced immediately. If you work in an office building, be sure to check the electrical system as well. Electrical issues can often go unnoticed until they cause a fire. If you notice any red flags while performing an electrical inspection, speak with your building manager or landlord to ensure the issue is addressed as soon as possible.   Install Residential Fire Safes If you have irreplaceable documents, pictures, or mementos that you don’t want to risk losing in a fire, consider installing residential fire safes in your home. Fire safes are designed to withstand high temperatures and can help to protect your belongings from being destroyed in the event of a fire. When shopping for fire safes, make sure that they comply with UL-959 compliance and have a Fire Endurance Rating of at least 90 minutes. Residential fire safes are available in both electronic and non-electronic versions and generally cost between $50 and $300, depending on size. If you work in an office building, be sure to check to see if your building has residential fire safes. If not, ask your building manager or landlord if they are willing to install them throughout the building. If they are not, try to persuade them to do so by showing them how cost-effective they are to install.   Protect Windows with Slip-On Flashing Many people don’t know that the single biggest cause of residential fires is heat escaping through windows. If you live in a frigid climate or are planning on having a large party or event at your home during the winter, you may want to consider protecting your windows from losing heat by installing slip-on flashing. This inexpensive product is designed to be easy to install and can help to prevent heat from escaping through your windows and into the outside. If you work in an office building, be sure to check to see if your building’s windows are protected from heat loss. If not, ask your building manager or landlord if they are willing to install these products throughout the building. If they are not, try to persuade them to do so by showing them how cost-effective they are to install.   Conclusion As you can see, there are many things that you can do to prevent fires from occurring in your home. By following these tips, you can rest assured knowing that you have done all that you can to protect yourself and your family from fire. Keep in mind that fire can break out at any time of the year, so it’s important to make fire safety tips for holidays and practice them regularly. You can make a plan based on the season you’re in. During the summer, you may want to leave windows open to let the breeze cool the house. In the winter, you may want to invest in a programmable thermostat to keep the heat at a constant level, rather than rising and falling with the outside temperature. Additionally, you may want to make sure there is a first aid kit in your home and a phone near every bed in case of an emergency.

hoe Facial Recognition Security Cameras

The Risk Factors Of Facial Recognition Security Cameras

  When you walk into an airport, hotel, or any other facility with security cameras monitoring your every move, the last thing you probably think about is whether or not the system can recognize your face. However, as technology continues to advance and become more accessible to businesses of all sizes, facial recognition software has become a common feature in security camera systems. This can be especially helpful for small businesses that may not have the resources to hire full-time security staff. Facial recognition software lets you set rules for when a certain person’s face appears in the view of a camera, such as an owner or manager. The software can then trigger an alert, such as emailing a manager. Facial recognition software can also be used to let you log in to the system with your face. This can let you grant other employees access to the system or let you lock out certain employees. And while this type of security camera is typically intended to increase the accuracy and efficiency of surveillance processes, it can also pose certain risks for businesses that choose to implement them. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the potential pros and cons associated with facial recognition security cameras, as well as some helpful tips for ensuring your business does not fall victim to any potential dangers associated with this technology.   What is Facial Recognition? Facial recognition is the process of scanning and analyzing images of human faces to identify the individuals in the images. Facial recognition software identifies specific features on the face, such as the distance between the eyes or the shape of the nose. These features are compared with a database of known information to determine the identity of the face. Facial recognition can be used for a variety of purposes, such as security and identification, marketing, entertainment, and biometric profiling. Facial recognition works best with frontal view photos of one or two people. It is less accurate with photos taken from an angle or zoomed in close, or if the subject is wearing sunglasses. Many people associate this technology with AI-powered robots, but in reality, facial recognition software is quite similar to the facial recognition technology used by humans. Computers have been able to scan and identify human faces since the 1990s. There are three common methods for facial recognition: Online facial recognition is used for identity verification and authentication, often in connection with online banking or other financial transactions. Offline facial recognition is used for identity verification and authentication, such as in law enforcement and border control. Biometric facial recognition is used for identity verification and authentication (as well as for the identification of things like medical conditions, emotions, etc.).   Pros of Facial Recognition Security Cameras In addition to being able to identify a person’s identity, facial recognition security cameras can also detect and record things like the person’s age, gender, and approximate distance from the camera. This can be helpful in situations like missing child alerts and determining whether or not an individual is a threat. When compared to other forms of identification, facial recognition security cameras can accurately identify someone about 80 percent of the time. While this might seem like a low percentage, it’s important to remember that recognition is not the same thing as verification. And because facial recognition is less invasive than other forms of identification like fingerprints and DNA, it’s the ideal security solution for businesses that need to keep customer data private.   Cons of Facial Recognition Security Cameras Like all technologies, facial recognition security cameras do have their cons. One of the biggest issues businesses are currently facing is misidentification. In other words, the software may incorrectly identify an individual as someone else, which could cause false alarms and disrupt the customer experience. While facial recognition can be very accurate in controlled environments, it is particularly sensitive to lighting, angle, and image quality. And while some businesses have found ways to mitigate these issues (such as with software adjustments and high-quality cameras), there are certain situations where misidentification is unavoidable. Another potential con of facial recognition security cameras is the fact that they can be used to collect data about your customers and their daily habits. While businesses that use this form of identification typically delete the data as soon as it’s no longer needed, some customers have expressed privacy concerns surrounding the ability of businesses to collect data on their faces.   Tips for Implementing Facial Recognition Security Cameras Before you decide to invest in facial recognition security cameras, it’s important to consider your current security system and the types of risks your business is currently facing. Some businesses may not require advanced facial recognition software and may be better off with a standard security camera system. If you’re unsure of which type of security camera is right for your business, consult with a security professional to help you determine your security needs and find the best solution for your facility. If you do decide that this technology makes sense for your business, there are several steps you can take to minimize the associated risks: With employees - Before you implement facial recognition security cameras, be sure to speak with your employees and outline their role in the process. All employees must understand that they are not allowed to manipulate or change the facial recognition settings in any way. With customers - Similarly, you should let your customers know that facial recognition security cameras are not meant to collect data. Instead, they are meant to accurately identify customers who enter your business. With partners - If you work with any partners who use facial recognition security cameras, be sure to outline their restrictions and limitations. With customers’ information - Finally, make sure you are protecting your customers’ data. If the facial recognition security cameras collect data consistently, make sure you have a strict data retention policy in place.   Conclusion While facial recognition security cameras are an incredibly efficient and accurate way to identify customers and employees, they can also pose certain risks. Businesses that decide to implement this technology should be sure to keep their customers informed about the process and protect their data to ensure that the benefits outweigh the risks. With these risks in mind, it’s important to select the right equipment and implement facial recognition security cameras in a way that minimizes these issues. When properly managed, facial recognition security cameras can help improve your security system while keeping your customers’ data protected. A good facial recognition system will have rules in place to prevent false positives and ensure that only people with permission to access certain areas are permitted access. These rules can be business specific or can be preset rules that are programmed into the system. If your security system uses facial recognition, you will be able to track who comes in and out of the building and when they were there. This can be helpful if there is ever a break-in or if there is ever a question about who was in a certain part of the building at a certain time.

hoe  Universal Remote Control

How to Pick the Best Universal Remote Control

  As the complexity of home electronics continues to increase, so does the number of remote controls that come with them. Between cable boxes, audio receivers, thermostats, lighting systems, and fire alarms, it’s no wonder why the universal remote has become an essential piece of home technology. Since universal remotes can control multiple devices at once, they save users from having to operate several different remote controls for their various electronics. The problem is there are so many universal remotes on the market that choosing one can be overwhelming. Fortunately, as with most things in life, you get what you pay for. While some universal remotes are less expensive than others, they won’t provide you with the same level of functionality and ease of use over time. In this article, we’ll discuss some important factors to consider when purchasing a universal remote control.   What to Look for When Choosing a Universal Remote The number one thing to look for when choosing a universal remote control is flexibility in terms of device compatibility. Some remote controls will be compatible with a few popular brands, while others can control up to hundreds of devices. The first step is to identify the devices you want to control with the universal remote. This can be as simple as every device in your entertainment center, or it may also include other home appliances like lighting and security systems. Next, look for a remote that can control those devices. The second thing you need to look for is the ease of use. Many remote controls boast tons of buttons and options, but those remotes can get confusing in a hurry. When selecting a remote, keep in mind that the fewer options and buttons you have to navigate, the easier the remote will be to use. The third thing to look for is the user experience. To decide which remote control has the best user experience, you need to consider what each remote offers in terms of design, functionality, and usability. Some remote controls will have vibrations or lights that indicate when you’ve pressed a button, while others will display this information on an LED screen. They will allow you to program and customize your remote to fit your specific needs, while others will only allow for very basic customization and programming.   Finding the Right Combination of Devices Before you purchase a universal remote control, take the time to research which devices it can control. This is especially important if you have a large home with lots of different devices. Remote controls will be compatible with a specific number of devices, while others are compatible with an ever-expanding list. Depending on the remote you choose, you may have to purchase a separate remote for your home security system. If you have a large home with many different devices, it’s important to find a remote control that can control as many of those devices as possible. It’s not necessary that the remote control every single device in your home, but it should at least be able to control the devices you use most often. Unfortunately, not every device is compatible with a universal remote control, so you may have to do some research.   Finding the Right User Experience One of the most important things to consider when purchasing a remote control is how it feels in your hand. The ergonomic design of a remote will determine how comfortable it feels to hold and use over an extended period. Controls via remote are built with large buttons that are easy to navigate, while others are more compact and meant for one-handed use. Remote controls are designed to be held vertically, while others are built to be held horizontally. They have a tactile feel that lets you know when you’ve pressed a button. They have a sleek and modern design that fits with your other home appliances, while others have a more retro or vintage design.    Finding the Right Size and Ergonomic Factors Some of the factors that determine the overall size of remote control are the number of buttons and the size of the remote. Controls via remote will have fewer buttons, while others will have an overwhelming amount of buttons. Remote controls are extremely large and will likely not fit comfortably in your hand. Some are meant to be held vertically, while others are meant to be held horizontally. Depending on the way you prefer to hold your remote, you may need to select a remote that is designed to be held in your preferred position.   Finding the Right Audio Experience Remote Controls have built-in sound bars that amplify sound and provide a surround sound-like experience. Some have sound bars that can be detached and removed from the remote control. Some remote controls have voice assistants that allow you to control your devices and access content through your voice. Some remote controls can connect to Wi-Fi and will stream content from your devices. Some have a USB port that lets you stream content from your devices.   Finding the Right Video Experience Some remote controls offer video recording functionality, which lets you record any activity you’re watching on your television. Some remote controls have a built-in webcam that lets you stream video from your remote control. Some let you record content from your television, which lets you save and re-watch content for later. Some remote controls have a built-in streaming service that lets you stream content from your internet-connected devices.   Conclusion When purchasing a new universal remote control, it’s important to keep an open mind when it comes to devising compatibility. While some remote controls are compatible with a wide range of home devices, others are only compatible with a select list of devices. Some remote controls are better than others when it comes to ergonomic design, user experience, and audio and video experience. You should select a remote control that feels comfortable in your hand and is easy to use. If you’re in the market for a new universal remote control, you may have no idea where to start. With so many different remotes on the market, it can be difficult to know which one is best for your needs. Fortunately, with a bit of research, you can find the remote control that you’ve been looking for.

hoe  Home Office Safe And Secure

Tips And Tricks To Keep Your Home Office Safe And Secure

  Having a home office is great for many reasons. It’s quiet, it’s private, and you can get a lot more done there than you could at a coffee shop or co-working space. But while working from home might be beneficial in some ways, it also poses some dangers that don’t come up as often if you work in an office or other shared space. You have less visibility, less security, and more potential points of entry for intruders. Fortunately, with the right precautions and habits, having a home office doesn’t have to make your business any more susceptible to hackers or burglars. By following these tips, you can make sure that your home office is secure and that your data and property are protected. From setting up a strong password to making sure that your security software is always up to date, you can have peace of mind when working from home. In fact, by taking the right steps, your home office can make things safer for you in the long run. Here are the top tips to improve the security of your home office so that you’re safe while you grind away on that new project.   Change the Lock Right Away If you buy a house with a lock on the door and suddenly decide to turn it into your home office, you might not realize that it was improperly installed. If that lock is not secured with a deadbolt, you risk leaving your most valuable asset vulnerable to theft and unable to be secured. Imagine buying a car and not ever checking the oil or gas tank. You fill up at the gas station and start driving. After a few miles, your car stalls and won’t start again. It turns out that your fuel tank was bone dry, and you had no idea how to fill it back up. That’s the same risk you take when you never check the oil on your car. You might be able to drive around town, but you won’t be able to get to work if you never check the oil in your car. This can make it easier for an intruder to break in, and it’s something that you should address. If you’re renting and have your landlord change the lock right away, you’ll avoid being locked out of your own home office. You may be able to get them to change the lock while they’re there, too. That’s one less thing that you have to worry about.   Have Good Windows (and Lock Them) If you have a ground-floor office, you may have noticed that some commercial buildings have bars on their windows. Some businesses install these bars for security purposes. They keep unwanted people from breaking the glass and entering the premises. Bars can also keep unwanted things from entering your office, such as cold air during the winter months. If you work in a commercial building with uninsulated windows, you may have experienced ever-decreasing productivity as the temperature dropped. The cold air makes it difficult for employees to concentrate. It is impossible to get any work done when you are freezing. Bars can keep this cold air out and keep your employees comfortable. This is the kind of precaution you may have to take to protect your home if you don’t have a lot of privacy or external visibility. If your office is located on a lower floor, consider bars on the windows. They can help keep burglars from entering through the window and let you know if someone is trying to break in. They may also help you avoid having to pay for a window replacement if one is broken as a result of vandalism.   Keep Your Computer’s Software Updated In addition to safeguarding your data, keeping your software updated will also help you protect against malware and hacking. Some software updates can include patches to fix software exploits that can allow hackers to gain access to your system. You can set your computer’s software to automatically check for updates. This can help you avoid having to worry about missing an update and leaving yourself open to an attack in the meantime.   Use Strong Passwords and 2-Factor Authentication Strong passwords are one of the most important things that you can do to protect yourself. Having strong passwords means using a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. Keep your passwords in a secure location. Avoid writing them down on paper and store them in a file on your computer or in a password manager.   Watch Out for Dropbox and Other Cloud Storage Dangers Cloud storage is a great way to share, store, and access your data from anywhere, but it does require some caution. If you use a free cloud storage solution like Dropbox, you should be aware that it is not as secure as it could be. To protect against hackers (or worse) breaking into your account and deleting or altering your data, you may want to consider upgrading your account to a paid plan.   Keep Your Devices Locked Up Tight You already know that you should keep your devices secure and out of sight. But in addition to that, you should also keep them physically secure. If you have a large office, you may be fine keeping your devices out in the open. But if you have a smaller office or keep your devices out in the open, a thief could come in and walk right out with them. Keep your devices in a drawer or cabinet that can’t be opened without the key or combination. Also, make sure they’re not placed where they can be easily seen by the public. Avoid keeping your devices out in the open where they can be easily stolen or tampered with. Also, make sure to keep your devices in a secure location at work. Many employers now offer secure lockers for employees to keep their devices in. If you have a laptop, consider keeping it in a locking bag that can’t be pried open.   Be Careful with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are two ways that many people connect their devices to the internet. But Bluetooth connections can be easily compromised by nearby devices, and Wi-Fi can be hacked from a relatively long distance. If you use Bluetooth, be sure to keep it on a short tether to your phone or computer. Avoid leaving it out of range or forgetting to charge it regularly. Keep track of any updates or patches from your device’s manufacturer. Stay vigilant about the appearance of any signs of obsolescence or malfunction. If you have in-ear or wireless headphones, be sure to keep them clean to improve sound quality and block outside noise. If you use headphones with a microphone, keep the volume at a level where you can clearly hear your teammates but not so loud that you risk damaging your hearing. And if you use Wi-Fi, make sure to keep it on a secure network, reset the connection regularly, and update your router’s firmware as soon as possible when updates become available.   Conclusion One of the best things about having a home office is that you get to control every aspect of it. You can create the ideal working environment, and you can keep it secure. With the right precautions and habits, you can keep your home office as secure as an office in a high-rise. And in the long run, it can make things safer for you. From setting up a strong password to installing security software, these tips will help keep your work safe from both physical and cyber threats. What might seem like common sense to some may be helpful information for others. We hope you find these tips helpful and enjoy working from home.

hoe  Solid State Battery

What Does The Future Hold For Solid State Battery?

  There is a lot of research happening every day in the lithium battery sector to achieve increasingly higher performance and longer life, as well as shortening the charging time and ensuring greater range and power. As far as electric mobility is concerned, solid-state batteries may seem like the future's final frontier. Lithium-ion batteries use liquid electrolytes, while solid-state batteries use solid electrolytes. Solid-state cells have a much different internal structure, as they are all solid. Solid-state batteries have liquid electrolytes, while traditional lithium batteries have liquid electrolytes: Typical cathode materials are LiFP, NMC, LMO, etc., which form the same positive electrode as a lithium-ion battery. As well as serving as the electrolyte, ceramics or solid polymers act as separators It contains lithium metal (pure lithium) as its anode Solid-state separators like the gray central layer interact with the electrolyte and function as both separators and electrolytes. In addition to providing an electrical insulator and functioning as a mechanical separator between the anode and cathode, it is also a medium through which the ions move. This solid, resistant support allows the graphite structure on the anode to be removed, allowing lithium metal to accumulate directly on the anode. (Alternatively, semi-solid electrolytes can be used.)   What is the process of making a solid-state battery? Lithium particles move between the cathode and anode's electrical contact when the cell is charging. They then move into the separator itself and create a solid layer of lithium.  A lithium-ion technology anode, which contains graphite, will therefore have a smaller volume since it will only be composed of lithium particles. Solid-state batteries have the following advantages:   Safety is the most important factor Unlike lithium-ion batteries, solid-state batteries don't contain a liquid electrolyte, which is volatile and therefore more flammable and is one of the most challenging safety components. This is replaced by a thicker separator layer made of a mechanically more resistant material (a ceramic composition containing additives); this increases the intrinsic safety of the cells by preventing short circuits even when the cells are misused or deteriorated, making them more reliable. Dendrites or sharp build-up of lithium that form between the cathode and anode are also less likely to form with this type of electrode. Lithium movement isn't uniform, and, in some extreme cases, it can pierce the separator due to points that grow like pins. A solid separator, on the other hand, is more resistant to dendrite piercing, which is what reduces the possibility of short circuits and gradual cell deterioration.   The highest density of energy An anode made from pure metal can increase energy density by a significant amount due to its intrinsic safety. Lithium-ion batteries generally contain ions in the graphite anode, which can be removed by using metal anodes. As part of the transfer process, only the ions remain in a solid-state battery, and bulky, heavy compounds are removed that do not contribute to energy generation. Recent studies have shown that solid-state batteries have an energy density that is 2-2.5 times greater than current lithium-ion battery technology, which would result in lighter and smaller batteries. We won't be able to be certain of the exact number until this technology becomes officially available, but we can be sure it would benefit electric mobility, which would benefit from a longer range and lighter weight.   Ultra-fast charge times Compared to current technologies, solid-state batteries can charge up to 6 times faster than current technology. In addition, it is uncertain how this new technology will develop and how it will impact this number. Several prototype solid-state batteries are already available that charge very quickly but at the expense of other factors that make up a good performance. To assess the best alternative, including in terms of cost, we must weigh this advantage against other essential characteristics of these batteries. The current consensus is that liquid electrolytes tend to be less efficient at high temperatures, while solid electrolytes respond better at high temperatures, as evidenced by their performance during fast charging, which has a much higher temperature.   Production is faster The solid-state electrolyte theory, while understandable, has yet to be proved and will be done when this technology is truly mass-produced. This theory, while understandable, has yet to be proven as it is not liquid, thus allowing for a faster, easier production process. In the present, however, we can certainly say that the process of filling the cell with electrolyte requires a great deal of time: you must begin by assembling the cell with an empty electrolyte space, and then, upon absorbing the electrolyte, you must refill it to restore it to the proper level before it can be sealed. As a result, solid-state technology could potentially contribute to a real improvement in this phase of the production process, but the actual production of this type of cell is needed before drawing sound conclusions.   How many solid-state batteries are there? Could we all drive cars with solid-state batteries if we wanted to? A solid-state battery is also expensive, due partly to development costs but also to the difficulty of manufacturing on a large scale, which makes them expensive like other emerging technologies. Until solid-state batteries are ready for prime time, automakers and battery manufacturers still have a long way to go. Although solid electrolytes are advantageous over liquids, finding the right balance of materials for powering a car's electric motor is challenging. The development of solid-state batteries is still in its infancy. Several other automakers are partnering with battery companies on their own projects to develop solid-state batteries, while Toyota plans to sell its first EV by 2030. A California-based company called QuantumScape has partnered with Volkswagen to develop battery technology that will be commercially available by 2024.   Solid-state battery research and development Pure Silicone Anode Solid-State Battery A new rechargeable solid-state battery is being developed by engineers at the University of California San Diego in partnership with LG Energy Solution. Anode and electrolyte are combined in a single device, replacing lithium and carbon completely. During testing, the battery proved to be safe, durable, and highly energy-efficient. At room temperature, the prototype retained 80% capacity after 500 charge and discharge cycles. As a result of the technology, electric transportation, energy storage, and other fields have great prospects.   MIT's New Electrode Design Mixed-ion-electronic conductors (MIECs) have also been developed at MIT, as well as lithium-ion insulators and electronic conductors. In this case, MIEC tubes are nanoscale and arranged in a honeycomb structure. Lithium forms the anode of the tubes. A major discovery of this study was that lithium expands and contracts during charging and discharging because of its honeycomb structure. Battery cracks are prevented by this breathing of the anode. Tubes are protected from the solid electrolyte by the coating on their surfaces. By preventing liquids and gels from injecting into the battery, dendrites are eliminated.   Future Outlooks for Solid-State Batteries Solid-state batteries have been seen as an important step in the development of electric vehicles for some time. Their lighter weight, greater energy storage, and reduced flammability make them a superior choice over liquids. There were two major obstacles to this development until recently - the cost of these batteries and their durability. Furthermore, solid-state batteries are prone to chemical defects. It is because of tiny lithium dendrites, twig-like particles of lithium that form and grow inside the battery that they begin to degrade after a few charge/discharge cycles. This leads to short circuits and other problems.   Conclusion Despite a few problems that need to be resolved, solid-state batteries are poised to enter the market soon and can be expected to be used widely in fields where energy density is a limiting factor because space does not allow them to store all the energy needed. As solid-state batteries have twice the energy density, they will double the range and are now viewed as the future of all transportation, including the automotive industry. Both the industrial machinery and electric vehicle sectors are interested in how this new technology can be implemented: this is true for equipment that requires a lot of energy or a large range but whose volume is currently small compared to the energy it can generate. It is certainly possible to expand the category of electrified vehicles through the introduction of solid-state battery technology. Solid-state cells could undoubtedly be a viable path to the future of industrial electrification if, in addition to their high energy density, they became competitive on all fronts.